Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Do you ever tire of losing?
Keep crying left winger.

El Correcto

god is dead
The lawsuit introduced Ralston’s words to the court record, quoting him saying that sending absentee ballot applications to all voters would be devastating for Republicans. And the civil rights attorney who flagged his comments on Twitter a year ago stood behind Attorney General Merrick Garland as he announced the legal action. That attorney, Vanita Gupta, is now the associate attorney general.

The words and intent of Ralston and others involved with enacting the new voting law, SB 202, will be key in the Justice Department’s efforts to show that the law purposefully discriminates against Black voters.
The man didn’t mention race at all, he said all voters.

El Correcto

god is dead
The truth is liberals are desperate to drag idiots from the hood who know next to :censored2:ing nothing about politics other than “racccccciisssst amerikkka!!!” And “:censored2: the police!!!” to the polls.
They know it’s hard enough to get these losers and their drug addled brains to the polls, but requiring an extra step of getting an ID would be too much for them.
They are fighting to keep in place the rigged rules of the 2020 election that dethroned one of the greatest president we have ever had. These people are truly disgusting. They are fighting to make sure every poor :censored2: drug addict has a ballot mailed directly to their mother’s couch. They are fighting to make sure that person doesn’t even have to leave their mother’s couch to turn in their ballot, they want democrat operatives to show up and harvest their ballot.

You people are the ones trying to destroy our democracy and elections. Not everyone should :censored2:ing vote, it’s not a good thing for this country.


Legio patria nostra
The Asst. AG of the DOJ is quoted as stating, among other frivolous things, that blacks “move a lot and therefore some will show up at the wrong polling places”.
I know she didn’t mean that to be as insulting as it sounds, but THAT and getting a bottle of free water were the 2 points she made in a Newsweek article today regarding how discriminatory the ruling is.

El Correcto

god is dead
if voting matters to these dumb :censored2:s they can do what the rest of you dumb :censored2: liberals do and show up to vote to destroy this nation.
They got that right and shouldn’t be stopped. But we shouldn’t be enabling every free loading hood rat that knows more about hip hop and gangs than America’s history and constitution to vote with 0 effort.