Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
The truth is liberals are desperate to drag idiots from the hood who know next to *ing nothing about politics other than “racccccciisssst amerikkka!!!” And “* the police!!!” to the polls.
They know it’s hard enough to get these losers and their drug addled brains to the polls, but requiring an extra step of getting an ID would be too much for them.
They are fighting to keep in place the rigged rules of the 2020 election that dethroned one of the greatest president we have ever had. These people are truly disgusting. They are fighting to make sure every poor * drug addict has a ballot mailed directly to their mother’s couch. They are fighting to make sure that person doesn’t even have to leave their mother’s couch to turn in their ballot, they want democrat operatives to show up and harvest their ballot.

You people are the ones trying to destroy our democracy and elections. Not everyone should *ing vote, it’s not a good thing for this country.
Every eligible person should vote.


Legio patria nostra
Every eligible person should vote.
Every eligible person already has that opportunity.
Election dates are known well in advance. A reasonably RESPONSIBLE person should make preparations and do so.
If they are not responsible enough, it’s not the liberals job to charm them into voting their way with free rides, gifts, raffles, etc.
It’s clear what the Liberals are attempting to do here.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Every eligible person already has that opportunity.
Election dates are known well in advance. A reasonably RESPONSIBLE person should make preparations and do so.
If they are not responsible enough, it’s not the liberals job to charm them into voting their way with free rides, gifts, raffles, etc.
It’s clear what the Liberals are attempting to do here.

im not seeing it


Legio patria nostra
im not seeing it
Well, I’m not surprised.
There are certain things that citizens have to do for themselves.
If you’re legally blind, disabled in some legitimate way, etc….then I think you should have some assistance IF YOU REQUESTED IT.
These free gifts and raffles, rides, etc that liberal voting groups were conducting simply bought the votes.
You don’t see that though…ok.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why not? It’s their patriotic right. They should vote.
It’s not patriotic to vote. It is just a right you have.
Every utterance of free speech is not patriotic it is a right you have. Religion is not patriotic, it is a right you have.
Using your rights is not a patriotic thing in and of itself. Voting for communism is not patriotic.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Well, I’m not surprised.
There are certain things that citizens have to do for themselves.
If you’re legally blind, disabled in some legitimate way, etc….then I think you should have some assistance IF YOU REQUESTED IT.
These free gifts and raffles, rides, etc that liberal voting groups were conducting simply bought the votes.
You don’t see that though…ok.

I don’t know what you’re talking about free gifts and raffles. I didn’t see any of this.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
It’s not patriotic to vote. It is just a right you have.
Every utterance of free speech is not patriotic it is a right you have. Religion is not patriotic, it is a right you have.
Using your rights is not a patriotic thing in and of itself. Voting for communism is not patriotic.

the average American couldn’t even tell you what communism is