Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
People motivated enough to get off their ass and show up on Election Day unless they have a good *ing excuse not to be there, like hospitalized, scheduled surgeries, over seas fighting for the country, etc.

Not just making sure every dumb * in the ghetto, every dumb * 16 year old in the public indoctrination camps, and every * who ended up in prison gets a ballot that says check this box for free * and we will come pick it up for you.
Fake news


Well-Known Member
All of the founders except for one owned enslaved people. Their thoughts on the matter were hypocritical then and now.
Self righteous much? Virtue signal much? Slavery has been practiced in every corner of the world and had been long before this country was founded. Those men were born into that system too. Raised to believe it was natural to do so. It's easy to feel superior today because we're much more enlightened. But most don't seem to grasp that the world they were born and raised in is a very different world than what the Founding Fathers knew. What we should focus on is those men created a document unlike anything the world had seen before and laid the groundwork for individual freedom that we enjoy today. And is threatened by those who think they know what's best for everyone else.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Self righteous much? Virtue signal much? Slavery has been practiced in every corner of the world and had been long before this country was founded. Those men were born into that system too. Raised to believe it was natural to do so. It's easy to feel superior today because we're much more enlightened. But most don't seem to grasp that the world they were born and raised in is a very different world than what the Founding Fathers knew. What we should focus on is those men created a document unlike anything the world had seen before and laid the groundwork for individual freedom that we enjoy today. And is threatened by those who think they know what's best for everyone else.

Everyone else did it, so it makes it okay. Gotcha. Somehow the confederates are the victim in this. Lmao. Ignoring the people they kidnapped from their homes, erased their culture, and brought to a foreign land, but those poor southern soldiers


Well-Known Member

Everyone else did it, so it makes it okay. Gotcha. Somehow the confederates are the victim in this. Lmao. Ignoring the people they kidnapped from their homes, erased their culture, and brought to a foreign land.
Except that narrative is incorrect. Africans captured other Africans, brought them to ports where they sold them to slavers. Again you're missing the big picture. Slavery had been around a long time before the Americas were colonized. Wasn't just white men enslaving blacks. Long before there was a United States. There was a totally different mindset then. Not talking about the rightness of it. Talking about the reality of what happened. In Europe enslavement of whites had been abolished but indentured servitude was still common. And the reality is if machines capable of doing the work of many men hadn't been invented, if working the fields or breaking rocks or anything that required large numbers doing everything manually was still required, we'd still have slavery today. The wealthy are going to have their cheap labor. Don't kid yourself about letting millions in from Latin America. They aren't here to establish average American lives. They're here to grunt work cheaply. Their educated kids will move on to better things and as the parents age they'll be replaced by more wage slave labor. Or new machines that'll replace most of them and many citizens too. Your sniping at average Americans today just shows your lack of understanding of the past and the present but you want to be seen as one of the good ones by virtue signaling. Condemning the Founding Fathers when you enjoy freedoms that they instituted when most of the world wasn't free and laid the foundation for a world where you can condemn the powers that be without being beaten or killed shows we have a lot more to do to educate our kids instead of the foolishness that's being taught now.

The Driver

I drive.
Self righteous much? Virtue signal much? Slavery has been practiced in every corner of the world and had been long before this country was founded. Those men were born into that system too. Raised to believe it was natural to do so. It's easy to feel superior today because we're much more enlightened. But most don't seem to grasp that the world they were born and raised in is a very different world than what the Founding Fathers knew. What we should focus on is those men created a document unlike anything the world had seen before and laid the groundwork for individual freedom that we enjoy today. And is threatened by those who think they know what's best for everyone else.
Thomas Jefferson knew it was wrong. You can read his thoughts about it in the historical record. But he did it anyway because he felt entitled and needed the free labor to help pay the bills and pay off his huge debts.

The Driver

I drive.
There it is.
Leftism is your religion.
You people are in a cult.
Nope. It’s just a fact that this country never grappled with that sin and it’s had ripple effects throughout history up to this very day.

Robert Lee and others should have been executed in public or thrown in prison for life for treason. Instead they became heroes to the South.


Legio patria nostra
Thomas Jefferson knew it was wrong. You can read his thoughts about it in the historical record. But he did it anyway because he felt entitled and needed the free labor to help pay the bills and pay off his huge debts.
Almost the entire Southern economy relied on slave labor.
When the North attempted to take it away, and other things, the South attempted to secede.
The morality of slavery was only in the far back of anyone’s mind regarding the Union.
You’ve just read the edited version of the history books.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Except that narrative is incorrect. Africans captured other Africans, brought them to ports where they sold them to slavers. Again you're missing the big picture. Slavery had been around a long time before the Americas were colonized. Wasn't just white men enslaving blacks. Long before there was a United States. There was a totally different mindset then. Not talking about the rightness of it. Talking about the reality of what happened. In Europe enslavement of whites had been abolished but indentured servitude was still common. And the reality is if machines capable of doing the work of many men hadn't been invented, if working the fields or breaking rocks or anything that required large numbers doing everything manually was still required, we'd still have slavery today. The wealthy are going to have their cheap labor. Don't kid yourself about letting millions in from Latin America. They aren't here to establish average American lives. They're here to grunt work cheaply. Their educated kids will move on to better things and as the parents age they'll be replaced by more wage slave labor. Or new machines that'll replace most of them and many citizens too. Your sniping at average Americans today just shows your lack of understanding of the past and the present but you want to be seen as one of the good ones by virtue signaling. Condemning the Founding Fathers when you enjoy freedoms that they instituted when most of the world wasn't free and laid the foundation for a world where you can condemn the powers that be without being beaten or killed shows we have a lot more to do to educate our kids instead of the foolishness that's being taught now.
Not talking about anyone else but the USA and their history of slavery. America isn’t educating anyone. Our school system is a complete joke. USA done a good job at hiding a lot :censored2:.


Legio patria nostra
Nope. It’s just a fact that this country never grappled with that sin and it’s had ripple effects throughout history up to this very day.

Robert Lee and others should have been executed in public or thrown in prison for life for treason. Instead they became heroes to the South.
There’s a lot you are not understanding young man.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Almost the entire Southern economy relied on slave labor.
When the North attempted to take it away, and other things, the South attempted to secede.
The morality of slavery was only in the far back of anyone’s mind regarding the Union.
You’ve just read the edited version of the history books.

slavery was the main issue. You guys gotta stop with this lol. People constantly try to push this whole stuff about slavery being a minor concern for the Union. That’s completely false.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don’t want people in the voting booth voting to pack the Supreme Court, to add states to the union, to make DC a state, to help establish one party centralized socialist control over the entire nation.
You vote for Mitch that has vowed to never let a Democrat appoint a judge when he controls the Senate. That’s court packing.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Self righteous much? Virtue signal much? Slavery has been practiced in every corner of the world and had been long before this country was founded. Those men were born into that system too. Raised to believe it was natural to do so. It's easy to feel superior today because we're much more enlightened. But most don't seem to grasp that the world they were born and raised in is a very different world than what the Founding Fathers knew. What we should focus on is those men created a document unlike anything the world had seen before and laid the groundwork for individual freedom that we enjoy today. And is threatened by those who think they know what's best for everyone else.
Obviously there were plenty of people of that time that were aware of slavery being wrong. They fought a whole war over it.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Nope. It’s just a fact that this country never grappled with that sin and it’s had ripple effects throughout history up to this very day.

Robert Lee and others should have been executed in public or thrown in prison for life for treason. Instead they became heroes to the South.

yeah absolutely. The fact you got parks and schools named after him is absurd. Speaks volumes about the place we live in.


Legio patria nostra
slavery was the main issue. You guys gotta stop with this lol. People constantly try to push this whole stuff about slavery being a minor concern for the Union. That’s completely false.
Learn the real history.
The immorality of slavery was not the primary catalyst for the Civil War.
Integration strategies and economic politics created the version you must think is 100% accurate.


nowhere special
Learn the real history.
The immorality of slavery was not the primary catalyst for the Civil War.
Integration strategies and economic politics created the version you must think is 100% accurate.
The key issue was economics. And the reason the war started was to preserve the union. Slavery wasn't the main reason and was of much lesser importance until later in the war because it dragged on longer than people expected. The North needed a better reason than "to preserve the union" to keep fighting.


Inordinately Right
The projection is strong.