Storming the Capitol


Legio patria nostra
The key issue was economics. And the reason the war started was to preserve the union. Slavery wasn't the main reason and was of much lesser importance until later in the war because it dragged on longer than people expected. The North needed a better reason than "to preserve the union" to keep fighting.
I agree.


Well-Known Member
Thomas Jefferson knew it was wrong. You can read his thoughts about it in the historical record. But he did it anyway because he felt entitled and needed the free labor to help pay the bills and pay off his huge debts.
There were quite a few intellectuals who hated slavery but they viewed it as a necessary evil. By the time of the Civil War they had become a lot more vocal because machines were now doing much of the work. But that thought process took time to spread. Was nowhere near as prevalent at the time the Constitution was written.


Well-Known Member
Obviously there were plenty of people of that time that were aware of slavery being wrong. They fought a whole war over it.
Many decades after the Constitution was written. What's being lost in this is the Constitution was a huge influence on the French Revolution and ultimately the spread of democracy through Europe. The reason Marxism took hold in Russia was because by the 1900's serfdom was still practiced there. A lot of people came to the States because they knew the opportunities here were much greater than back home. You didn't need family connections to have anything, you just needed to work hard. The States aren't perfect, we all know that. But much of we expect as citizens today is because early on a framework, a foundation was laid that was different than anything the world had seen, and it worked. Now those who benefit from those freedoms want to erase the history of what happened before and start over. And smear that history while doing it. You're asking for a lot of turmoil doing so.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Many decades after the Constitution was written. What's being lost in this is the Constitution was a huge influence on the French Revolution and ultimately the spread of democracy through Europe. The reason Marxism took hold in Russia was because by the 1900's serfdom was still practiced there. A lot of people came to the States because they knew the opportunities here were much greater than back home. You didn't need family connections to have anything, you just needed to work hard. The States aren't perfect, we all know that. But much of we expect as citizens today is because early on a framework, a foundation was laid that was different than anything the world had seen, and it worked. Now those who benefit from those freedoms want to erase the history of what happened before and start over. And smear that history while doing it. You're asking for a lot of turmoil doing so.
Currently the right wants to erase history and pretend slavery and racial injustice never happened. That’s what all the crying about CRT and confederate statues is.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'

Thomas Sowell

The Driver

I drive.
The key issue was economics.
Yeah, the South desperately wanted to keep the institution of free labor.

The South would send out propaganda to young white Southern families to scare them into supporting the war, with stuff like 'If Black men are freed they will come and rape your women and kill your whole families out of spite' etc. etc. It worked. Hundreds of thousands signed up to fight.


Well-Known Member
Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'

Thomas Sowell


Well-Known Member
Thanks for proving Mr. Sowell's point by posting a picture from long ago that shows just how much progress we've made in Merica!
LMAO! :love-very:
I was a senior in high school when that happened. Mr. Sowell made that statement in what? 2012? The last nine years have been steps backwards. It's different outside your gated community of multi million dollar homes.