Storming the Capitol


Legio patria nostra
This is the dark side of the republican party and a large segment of the American electorate. Many Americans don't see other Americans as "real Americans" and this demented belief guides their political ideology and the direction of the republican party. If you believe as many many Americans do that some percentage of your fellow citizens are illegitimate and the people they vote into office by extension are illegitimate and a danger to America, then there is no limiting factor on what should be done to prevent those userpers from controlling America politically. Stop them from voting, strip power away from the candidates they manage to elect, gerrymander districts to limit their political power, create laws to invalidate elections they manage to win, and if all that fails violence to stop their elected candidates from taking office. This is where the republican party is at
Holy Christ! You must have had the “Deluxe bargain” brainwash….
Are you really that far out of touch?


Well-Known Member
The republican party has done all the things I listed. they are trying to stop certain groups of Americans from voting, they do strip power away from the candidates that those voters elect, they do try to limit the politcal power of certian groups of Americans by gerrymandering them, and they are creating laws to invalidate election results they don't like, and finally republicans absolutetly tried to violently stop Congress from validating the 2020 presidential election. Point by point this is where the republican party is at.
When you come up with actual people who were stopped from voting in the last election, or numerous elections before that, I'll believe you. Saying they want to do this or that is one thing, but where is that actually happening?


Legio patria nostra
When you come up with actual people who were stopped from voting in the last election, or numerous elections before that, I'll believe you. Saying they want to do this or that is one thing, but where is that actually happening?
It’s happening in the reality his programmers have created for him.

He doesn’t know it though.
May not be able to save what’s left…
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Inordinately Right
The republican party has done all the things I listed. they are trying to stop certain groups of Americans from voting, they do strip power away from the candidates that those voters elect, they do try to limit the politcal power of certian groups of Americans by gerrymandering them, and they are creating laws to invalidate election results they don't like, and finally republicans absolutetly tried to violently stop Congress from validating the 2020 presidential election. Point by point this is where the republican party is at.
Nothing you said is true.


nowhere special
The republican party has done all the things I listed. they are trying to stop certain groups of Americans from voting, they do strip power away from the candidates that those voters elect, they do try to limit the politcal power of certian groups of Americans by gerrymandering them, and they are creating laws to invalidate election results they don't like, and finally republicans absolutetly tried to violently stop Congress from validating the 2020 presidential election. Point by point this is where the republican party is at.
Who are "certain groups of Americans"? Dead people?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Where else has subsea pipline caught on fire? Happening "a lot" you say?

Maybe the kraken caused it?
JUST IN - Major explosion in the Caspian Sea near Baku, Azerbaijan.

UPDATE - Oil Company SOCAR has said the apparent oil rig explosion off the coast of Baku is a "mud volcano".

Here is another one Snowflakes a melting.



Well-Known Member
When you come up with actual people who were stopped from voting in the last election, or numerous elections before that, I'll believe you. Saying they want to do this or that is one thing, but where is that actually happening?
Who cares what you believe? I don't know why that matters to objective reality. Republicans on a policy level are objectively trying to make it more difficult for certain groups of Americans to vote.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you said is true.
Everything in my post is true. republican voters don't see certain Americans as "real Americans", republicans do perceive those voters gaining political power as a threat to American society. In response to this core belief of republican voters the republican party is trying to stop those voters from casting a ballot, they are stripping the people those voters do elect of political power, they are gerrymandering those voters to lessen their political power, they are passing laws that give them the ability to overturn election results they don't like, and republicans tried to prevent Congress from validating the presidential election of 2020 through violence. This is where the republican party is at right now.


Well-Known Member
Who cares what you believe? I don't know why that matters to objective reality. Republicans on a policy level are objectively trying to make it more difficult for certain groups of Americans to vote.
Support what you just said, Dumas.
Any and all of the groups you attempt to represent have absolutely no problem obtaining identification for govmint services, or a 40oz. malt liquor.


Well-Known Member
Who cares what you believe? I don't know why that matters to objective reality. Republicans on a policy level are objectively trying to make it more difficult for certain groups of Americans to vote.
Those same laws apply to voters of all races. Why is it you feel your race is being targeted? Why aren't other races complaining? And your first sentence says it all.


Well-Known Member
Everything in my post is true. republican voters don't see certain Americans as "real Americans", republicans do perceive those voters gaining political power as a threat to American society. In response to this core belief of republican voters the republican party is trying to stop those voters from casting a ballot, they are stripping the people those voters do elect of political power, they are gerrymandering those voters to lessen their political power, they are passing laws that give them the ability to overturn election results they don't like, and republicans tried to prevent Congress from validating the presidential election of 2020 through violence. This is where the republican party is at right now.
Do black Republicans not see you as a "real" American? Can you cite the voting districts that have been gerrymandered? And if you're talking redistricting by Republicans who've won power in a particular state could you please also point out redistricting that happened under Democrats when in power?


Well-Known Member
Everything in my post is true. republican voters don't see certain Americans as "real Americans", republicans do perceive those voters gaining political power as a threat to American society. In response to this core belief of republican voters the republican party is trying to stop those voters from casting a ballot, they are stripping the people those voters do elect of political power, they are gerrymandering those voters to lessen their political power, they are passing laws that give them the ability to overturn election results they don't like, and republicans tried to prevent Congress from validating the presidential election of 2020 through violence. This is where the republican party is at right now.
You a negro?


Well-Known Member
Do black Republicans not see you as a "real" American? Can you cite the voting districts that have been gerrymandered? And if you're talking redistricting by Republicans who've won power in a particular state could you please also point out redistricting that happened under Democrats when in power?
Never happened tex.


Inordinately Right
Everything in my post is true. republican voters don't see certain Americans as "real Americans", republicans do perceive those voters gaining political power as a threat to American society. In response to this core belief of republican voters the republican party is trying to stop those voters from casting a ballot, they are stripping the people those voters do elect of political power, they are gerrymandering those voters to lessen their political power, they are passing laws that give them the ability to overturn election results they don't like, and republicans tried to prevent Congress from validating the presidential election of 2020 through violence. This is where the republican party is at right now.
Nothing in your post was true.
Nothing in this new post is true.
You believe some really crazy things.