Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Trump's economic record is a failure. Bush Jr.s economic record is a failure. Bush Sr's economic record is a failure. If strong economic performance mattered, republican presidents have a terrible track record.

Your dates are factually wrong. Every republican potus since Reagan has had a recession during their term that they didn't inherit from a predecessor
Name the recession Reagan had that wasn't started by Carter? And both Trump and Bush Jr had strong economies.


Well-Known Member
Lol, republicans don't give a friend about strong business environment. Elected republicans care about cutting taxes for the wealthy and huge coporations.
the American economy has done better under Democratic presidents, and that's an objective fact. In fact every republican president in my lifetime has had a recession occur during their presidency that they didn't inherit from the predecessor. Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Trump all had recessions and other financial calamities under their watch. So if the economy was the key for republican voters..... the last three republican presidents have an objectively terrible economic record.

the republican party is a white grievance party and its politics flows from that core ideology.
Trickle down economics is going to eventually work. Keep getting the rich, richer!

sarcasm font on


Well-Known Member
It's a consumer economy. Huge tax cuts invested in off shore accounts are not helpful.
There was a huge amount of investment in new business under Trump. Last summer as I traveled around I saw new businesses everywhere. As in just opened, all spiffy and new, in the last few years. Give businessmen the chance to keep more of what they earn and much of that will be turned into new investment to further increase their wealth. And creates jobs. That's what tax and spend liberals never understand. Super tight with their own money so assume everyone else is too. But more than happy to spend everyone else's money.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
There was a huge amount of investment in new business under Trump. Last summer as I traveled around I saw new businesses everywhere. As in just opened, all spiffy and new, in the last few years. Give businessmen the chance to keep more of what they earn and much of that will be turned into new investment to further increase their wealth. And creates jobs. That's what tax and spend liberals never understand. Super tight with their own money so assume everyone else is too. But more than happy to spend everyone else's money.
Everything you asserted is false.