Storming the Capitol


Staff member
You asked a question in which the root cause of the gun control was the direct result of the mafia which is a strictly 100% Italian group. Some came here for new opportunity and found it in extortion rackets on their fellow Italians others came here to flee the fascism of Europe. I have no problem with the Italians that came here to be productive citizens and to work in a free country to earn themselves a life without a social safety net to abuse. I have a problem with the wop gangsters that rocketed up the murder rates for damn near a century in our inner cities.

Yes and unlike disgusting Democrats who supported hundreds of violent riots all summer, every Republican came out against the violence that happened for an hour or so on January 6th.

You on the other hand, have no problem with the violence, remember?

Worse, he said it's necessary.

That is your conclusion.
I would ask, or assume the cartoonist is curious why all the focus on one day and no interest of arrests for a years worth of violence, property crimes, assault and homicide.

I'm curious as well.
Now that’s an interesting narrative. But it’s nonsense.

El Correcto

god is dead
Now that’s an interesting narrative. But it’s nonsense.
Why would you quote my factual response to why machine guns are banned with your non sense. How many of these people were detained under the same circumstances as the January 6th rioters, go look up what they are doing to them compared to your Marxist comrades you silly jannie.


nowhere special
Why would you quote my factual response to why machine guns are banned with your non sense. How many of these people were detained under the same circumstances as the January 6th rioters, go look up what they are doing to them compared to your Marxist comrades you silly jannie.
Most had their charges dropped vs months in solitary confinement without even being convicted of anything.


Well-Known Member
Newsmax? This person?

She's nuts.



Staff member
Why would you quote my factual response to why machine guns are banned with your non sense. How many of these people were detained under the same circumstances as the January 6th rioters, go look up what they are doing to them compared to your Marxist comrades you silly jannie.
Just pointing out that it’s a falsehood to suggest that BLM members got a pass and the Capital insurrectionists are somehow being unfairly hunted down and prosecuted.

El Correcto

god is dead
Just pointing out that it’s a falsehood to suggest that BLM members got a pass and the Capital insurrectionists are somehow being unfairly hunted down and prosecuted.
And I pointed out to you that it is not, you just refuse to listen or seek out information and double down on stupid. Carry on jannie.


Well-Known Member
Just pointing out that it’s a falsehood to suggest that BLM members got a pass and the Capital insurrectionists are somehow being unfairly hunted down and prosecuted.
what jail are the BLM folks who burned our cities down being kept in? The capital protesters are being kept in DC jails and denied their constitutional rights.

are you really this blind to whats going on? or do you choose ignorance ?