Storming the Capitol


Retired 23 years
Glad to see one of the Capitol Invaders only got an 8 moths sentence for a felony. Most all of them are going to get no more than a slap on the wrist. In all actuality 8 months is a waste of tax payer money. Why even bother?

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Glad to see one of the Capitol Invaders only got an 8 moths sentence for a felony. Most all of them are going to get no more than a slap on the wrist. In all actuality 8 months is a waste of tax payer money. Why even bother?

Having a felony record and 8 months behind bars wouldn't seem like a small thing to me.


nowhere special
Glad to see one of the Capitol Invaders only got an 8 moths sentence for a felony. Most all of them are going to get no more than a slap on the wrist. In all actuality 8 months is a waste of tax payer money. Why even bother?
With credit for all the time already served in solitary

Off the leash

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