Storming the Capitol


nowhere special



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.

Here sheeple. Keep on keeping on...

El Correcto

god is dead

Okay I’m back from some intense google research, it turns out we are all gonna die one day, just like the people before us are dead and gone.

Get your vaccine if you are scared and get back to living while you still can. Hope this helps.


Inordinately Right
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Okay I’m back from some intense google research, it turns out we are all gonna die one day, just like the people before us are dead and gone.

Get your vaccine if you are scared and get back to living while you still can. Hope this helps.
Most people go through life never contemplating their own mortality.

Then the media bombarded them with constant fear porn for a year, repeatedly telling them there's a good chance they're going to die soon from covid.

The mentally ill rantings of these covid obsessed nuts is a result of that.

The Driver

I drive.
Most people go through life never contemplating their own mortality.

Then the media bombarded them with constant fear porn for a year, repeatedly telling them there's a good chance they're going to die soon from covid.

The mentally ill rantings of these covid obsessed nuts is a result of that.
I’m not concerned about dying as much as I’m concerned about developing a chronic condition from the virus. Which happens. Can’t do the job in package if I have a chronic lung condition.

Which is why I vaccinated.

The Driver

I drive.
So what, a bunch of people died of something, hang on let me check with the tech overlords real quick before I post any misinformation…
“Died of something”

Died of something early and contagious and nobody has natural antibodies against it. Pandemic. They’re inherently dangerous.

El Correcto

god is dead
Most people go through life never contemplating their own mortality.

Then the media bombarded them with constant fear porn for a year, repeatedly telling them there's a good chance they're going to die soon from covid.

The mentally ill rantings of these covid obsessed nuts is a result of that.
We have all already experienced death. The only difference is we are now vested in this temporary state of being. It leaves the weak susceptible manipulation and extortion. I cherish freedom more than I do this temporary state of being. I don’t get to choose if I die, but I do get to choose how I live.