Storming the Capitol


nowhere special
The opening of the 1/6 select committee begins today. The nation will hear from 4 of the police officers who were attacked while defending the Capitol and our lawmakers.

EDIT: The officers we will hear testimony from are DC Metropolitan Police Officers Daniel Hodges and Michael Fanone, plus Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and Sgt. Aquilino Gonell.
The only officers allowed to testify are the ones who will parrot Pelosi's narrative.


Off the leash

Well-Known Member
The idiots have begun the Jan 6 committee, a real Ass clown show. The fool giving the opening statement makes it sound like the Huns attacked the capital. What a JOKE


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
The opening of the 1/6 select committee begins today. The nation will hear from 4 of the police officers who were attacked while defending the Capitol and our lawmakers.

EDIT: The officers we will hear testimony from are DC Metropolitan Police Officers Daniel Hodges and Michael Fanone, plus Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and Sgt. Aquilino Gonell.
Wait so your original statement wasn't true, or is it your talking point given to you changed?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Yeap get them vaccines injection boys and girls. Wait I mean injections.

JUST IN - CDC reverses course: Fully vaccinated Americans are now asked to wear masks indoors in places with "substantial or high" transmission (including schools) again.

CDC Director says "new data" shows "breakthrough cases" of vaccinated individuals can have as much virus to shed and spread as an unvaccinated person.