Storming the Capitol

Off the leash

Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead
Most of these tough guys like you wouldn’t last very many days in a fight with a professional army. You guys are mostly fat alcoholics with erectile dysfunction.

How long would last in a real fight, tough guy?
There is more support on the left for detaining American citizens in solitary without bond on charges of trespassing than there is holding known terrorists who plotted to kill American citizens in Guantanamo.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was popular support among leftists for a pro longed and bloody civil war. You people hate your countrymen more than you do the enemies of your country.

a despicable group of people imo.


I'm a star
There is more support on the left for detaining American citizens in solitary without bond on charges of trespassing than there is holding known terrorists who plotted to kill American citizens in Guantanamo.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was popular support among leftists for a pro longed and bloody civil war. You people hate your countrymen more than you do the enemies of your country.

a despicable group of people imo.

They :censored2: all over the constitution at every turn, and call people who care about the constitution terrorists. Yep, hypocrites. Lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.


Well-Known Member

Blood pressure also tends to increase when you're stressed and when blood pressure is consistently high, it can narrow or weaken blood vessels. This makes it easier for blood clots to form or for vessels to leak or burst, triggering a stroke.


Well-Known Member
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters,” McCarthy said on the House floor. “He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump."


nowhere special

Blood pressure also tends to increase when you're stressed and when blood pressure is consistently high, it can narrow or weaken blood vessels. This makes it easier for blood clots to form or for vessels to leak or burst, triggering a stroke.
Doesn't matter what you want to believe. The medical examiner said otherwise.