Storming the Capitol

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
On March 1 1954, armed Puerto Rican nationalist stormed the capital and shot 5 congressmen. Was that an insurrection? Was Jan 6 worse than that? No guns no congress people injured? The horror! The Democrats are hypocrite Ass clowns, using whatever they can including lying police officers like Harry Dunn, who lied under oath about he death of a colleague. They answer to the speaker of the house, that creature Pelosi. Wake up! The Democrats are scumbags.


Well-Known Member
On March 1 1954, armed Puerto Rican nationalist stormed the capital and shot 5 congressmen. Was that an insurrection? Was Jan 6 worse than that? No guns no congress people injured? The horror! The Democrats are hypocrite Ass clowns, using whatever they can including lying police officers like Harry Dunn, who lied under oath about he death of a colleague. They answer to the speaker of the house, that creature Pelosi. Wake up! The Democrats are scumbags.
No doubt Pelosi and other Dems saw the potential of using what might happen against Trump. So no beefed up security, no National Guard, in spite of the chief of the Capitol Police and the House Sergeant-at-Arms repeated requests to do so. It's no wonder Pelosi kicked the two Republicans off that commission. They would've asked hard questions which she would've had a hard time avoiding the answers. The RINO's on the commission are just as eager as she is to put everything on Trump.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
No doubt Pelosi and other Dems saw the potential of using what might happen against Trump. So no beefed up security, no National Guard, in spite of the chief of the Capitol Police and the House Sergeant-at-Arms repeated requests to do so. It's no wonder Pelosi kicked the two Republicans off that commission. They would've asked hard questions which she would've had a hard time avoiding the answers. The RINO's on the commission are just as eager as she is to put everything on Trump.


Well-Known Member
Do me a favor and tell me who the D.C. National Guard is subordinate to.

You people are ridiculous.
I honestly don't know. Has already come out that the two people above requested both beefed up Capitol police presence and National Guard. In case you aren't aware National Guard troops were brought in after the riot. Ultimately the Speaker of the House is responsible for Capitol security.


I'm a star
I honestly don't know. Has already come out that the two people above requested both beefed up Capitol police presence and National Guard. In case you aren't aware National Guard troops were brought in after the riot. Ultimately the Speaker of the House is responsible for Capitol security.

The fact that anyone can still claim to not know these facts at this point in time speaks volumes about their inability to responsibly consume infornation.


Bad Moon Risen'
There is more support on the left for detaining American citizens in solitary without bond on charges of trespassing than there is holding known terrorists who plotted to kill American citizens in Guantanamo.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was popular support among leftists for a pro longed and bloody civil war. You people hate your countrymen more than you do the enemies of your country.

a despicable group of people imo.

Conservatives are scum. Why do they hate law enforcement?