Storming the Capitol

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
No doubt Pelosi and other Dems saw the potential of using what might happen against Trump. So no beefed up security, no National Guard

You’re probably right. Barriers should go up and the National Guard should be called out to protect areas from angry Trumpees after Trump events. Good chance of an attack. It’s on you if you haven’t taken proactive steps to protect government facilities and elected representatives when the Trumpees do their thing. 😉


I'm a star
You’re probably right. Barriers should go up and the National Guard should be called out to protect areas from angry Trumpees after Trump events. Good chance of an attack. It’s on you if you haven’t taken proactive steps to protect government facilities and elected representatives when the Trumpees do their thing. 😉

It's more on you if you have the FBI and the DC Police stage a riot and try to entrap a bunch of selfie-taking grandmas by having the cops open the doors and wave people in while the undercover FBI agents pretend to rough up the police, hoping a bunch of tourists will join in.

You know, everyone is so concerned I'll kill grandma because I don't wear a mask. I'll just tell them I'm aiming for the insurrectionist grandmas. That oughtta make 'em happy.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
It's more on you if you have the FBI and the DC Police stage a riot and try to entrap a bunch of selfie-taking grandmas by having the cops open the doors and wave people in while the undercover FBI agents pretend to rough up the police, hoping a bunch of tourists will join in.

You know, everyone is so concerned I'll kill grandma because I don't wear a mask. I'll just tell them I'm aiming for the insurrectionist grandmas. That oughtta make 'em happy.
Yeah, just a bunch of tourist visiting the Capitol. Screaming "hang Mike Pence" .


Well-Known Member

El Correcto

god is dead
Their argument is very simple, Michael just has better things to do than politics like most uninformed celebrities.
The vaccinated can still catch different strains of the virus, like the delta whatever the :censored2:, but they still have a semi-immunity/resistance to the virus’s effects thankfully, meaning an even lower death toll among the vaccinated. The worry is that they spread it to old boomers who refuse to get vaccinated and have a risk of dying or whatever from the virus.

My stance is we are free people and you are free to go get that vaccination if you are an at risk person or stay at home/quarantine if you can’t get the vaccine for health reasons. We can’t shut down society over this AGAIN and blow trillions AGAIN. Masking is out of the question for me as well, I’m not wearing a :censored2:ing mask over the sniffles. It was one thing when people didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated, fine whatever I’ll wear the mask, but now it’s time for you to get vaccinated and quit interfering with my freedoms out of fear if the virus bothers you.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Their argument is very simple, Michael just has better things to do than politics like most uninformed celebrities.
The vaccinated can still catch different strains of the virus, like the delta whatever the *, but they still have a semi-immunity/resistance to the virus’s effects thankfully, meaning an even lower death toll among the vaccinated. The worry is that they spread it to old boomers who refuse to get vaccinated and have a risk of dying or whatever from the virus.

My stance is we are free people and you are free to go get that vaccination if you are an at risk person or stay at home/quarantine if you can’t get the vaccine for health reasons. We can’t shut down society over this AGAIN and blow trillions AGAIN. Masking is out of the question for me as well, I’m not wearing a *ing mask over the sniffles. It was one thing when people didn’t have a chance to get vaccinated, fine whatever I’ll wear the mask, but now it’s time for you to get vaccinated and quit interfering with my freedoms out of fear if the virus bothers you.
This very thing you are saying is false.



Well-Known Member
You’re probably right. Barriers should go up and the National Guard should be called out to protect areas from angry Trumpees after Trump events. Good chance of an attack. It’s on you if you haven’t taken proactive steps to protect government facilities and elected representatives when the Trumpees do their thing. 😉
Yah, Trump supporters watched the 574 riots from last summer and thought anything goes. Even so they were mostly a bunch of middle aged out of shape guys who milled about instead of burning down the Capitol. The horror.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Yah, Trump supporters watched the 574 riots from last summer and thought anything goes. Even so they were mostly a bunch of middle aged out of shape guys who milled about instead of burning down the Capitol. The horror.

Just agreeing with you that beefed up security and the National Guard should have been on scene from the beginning to prevent what happened. 😉


I'm a star
After 2022 elections maybe we can investigate the Democrats who left our capitol undefended.

I'm rooting for most of the Democratic Party getting the Nuremberg treatment for unconstitutionally changing election rules, carrying out an actual coup, entrapping and indefinitely holding political prisoners who were rightfully unhappy about it, and, not the least of all, their crimes against humanity in illegally manufacturing and releasing a virus, and manipulating numbers to intentionally inflict emotional distress on the entire world population in order to carry out even more crimes against humanity.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member

The Driver

I drive.
This is. Hilarious.....

Then this happens. Man what a reality check...

He's a tool.

If you're vaccinated you're unlikely to get seriously ill, but because of the nature of the Delta variant there's 1000x more virus shedding from your cells upon infection. Nobody ever claimed getting the vaccine would totally prevent all illness or prevent the vaccinated from unknowingly spreading the contagion. This is an evolving situation.

So yes, get vaccinated. It's safe, effective and will most likely prevent serious illness.

Or do what you want, of course.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
He's a tool.

If you're vaccinated you're unlikely to get seriously ill, but because of the nature of the Delta variant there's 1000x more virus shedding from your cells upon infection. Nobody ever claimed getting the vaccine would totally prevent all illness or prevent the vaccinated from unknowingly spreading the contagion. This is an evolving situation.

So yes, get vaccinated. It's safe, effective and will most likely prevent serious illness.

Or do what you want, of course.
You don't even listen to fauci. He said the other day. Exactly what the guy said in the Twitter statement.