Storming the Capitol

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
When it gets to be like it is in Australia and parts of Europe people start pushing back because they’ve realized what we knew from day one the virus is tyranny. We are in the right the government is wrong because they’re oppressing what should be a free society and that’s how it swings the other way

Nobody is free. Sometimes too much freedom isn’t always a good thing.


Well-Known Member
When it gets to be like it is in Australia and parts of Europe people start pushing back because they’ve realized what we knew from day one the virus is tyranny. We are in the right the government is wrong because they’re oppressing what should be a free society and that’s how it swings the other way
mother nature is a dictatorship
Nobody is free. Sometimes too much freedom isn’t always a good thing.
Yeah right I’d rather live in a perpetual state of emergency so the government can cry pandemic and do anything they want no matter how absurd. Which were about to be going on three years of. None of this stuff is in reaction to any health emergency at all. It’s all planned out with set dates


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Canada has dealt with Covid better than us

I don’t get the resistance. Literally a vaccine that could possibly keep you alive against a deadly virus.
Canada has 1/3 our population. They’re shutting cities down again there. Good job.
I mean you could always move out the country. I’m not saying that to be a dick, but maybe this isn’t the place anymore.
This is a global agenda. The only difference is the speed at which it’s going. If we lose this fight in America you’re certainly not gonna want to be anywhere else
u have less rights than the rest of the west
There’s very few places not participating in the new world order pandemic. Brazil may be one. Sweden. Maybe a couple Eastern European nations. But everywhere is awake now as to what’s being done. Thousands are dying of the kill shots and the media won’t say a thing but as much as they’ve tried you can’t stop word of mouth and common sense