Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
There’s very few places not participating in the new world order pandemic. Brazil may be one. Sweden. Maybe a couple Eastern European nations. But everywhere is awake now as to what’s being done. Thousands are dying of the kill shots and the media won’t say a thing but as much as they’ve tried you can’t stop word of mouth and common sense
brazil is a :censored2: hole

the vaccines are still legit. pay for worst pills best pills, read the issue they just came out with, they go over intervectimine, and the corrupt guy in charge of the fda, and what works against hte virus, amongst other things.
which country dealt with covid the worst?
Dealing with Covid means taking peoples basic rights away so I’m what’s meant by that phrase is some draconian measures that you can beat your chest and say fur ihre sicherheit for your safety we’re doing this to you

Same as the war on terror they took ridiculous measures to “fight terror” it was never anything of the sort. You’re still doing those silly things like taking your shoes off in the airport even though it’s completely ridiculous. That’s how you control people


Well-Known Member
Dealing with Covid means taking peoples basic rights away so I’m what’s meant by that phrase is some draconian measures that you can beat your chest and say fur ihre sicherheit for your safety we’re doing this to you

Same as the war on terror they took ridiculous measures to “fight terror” it was never anything of the sort. You’re still doing those silly things like taking your shoes off in the airport even though it’s completely ridiculous. That’s how you control people
9/11 was definitely a scam to take ur rights away and start wars

covid is not but govt can do the same thing and probably has


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
He's popular in Florida, nowhere else. And that popularity is decreasing with the explosion of COVID in Florida.
And when Omicron fizzles with few deaths people will realize how smart he is. Heard someone say last night a Ron DeSantis/Tim Scott ticket would win 40 states. Very possible.


Well-Known Member
And when Omicron fizzles with few deaths people will realize how smart he is. Heard someone say last night a Ron DeSantis/Tim Scott ticket would win 40 states. Very possible.
So Fox News is already calling the 2024 presidential election? If correct it would be quite an improvement over their 2020 performance.

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