Storming the Capitol


Strength through joy
Watch for the domino effects... property and state taxes raised, increasing co pays with health benefits, sky rocketing home valuation and market values, increases on auto and home insurances.

If the markets continue to tank decreased pension and retirement benefits, layoffs and cut backs.. it will be like going back to the Jimmy Carter years...
During the Carter years home prices were low but mortgage rates were very high, close to 20%.


Strength through joy
and that was down a lot from the previous rates. Early 80's were crazy expensive

My mortgage was sold before I made my first payment on the secondary market. And sold a couple of more times over the years. Really annoying.
During the last housing boom, reselling mortgages was the worst.
Foreclosures were outrageous.
But many companies it turned out didn't have the proper paperwork to do the foreclosures.


nowhere special
During the last housing boom, reselling mortgages was the worst.
Foreclosures were outrageous.
But many companies it turned out didn't have the proper paperwork to do the foreclosures.
They would do sneaky stuff like secretly put liens on properties people wouldn't know about until they tried to sell.