Storming the Capitol


Staff member
so a senile old former segregationist man who hid in his basement and never campaigned blew away everyone who has ever run for president including Obama.

If you're right then perhaps white supremacy does reign in this country but only in the democratic party.
Are you saying that all those establishment republicans turned against Trump? I mean, even the Arizona recount went up in flames.


Staff member
That’s the big lie on the left, “the courts said there was no evidence”. They’re all liars.
No. We’re saying that even Trump’s people wouldn’t say it in court.

Sidney Powell especially. Lol. Cmon now. She doesn’t even try to say she made a mistake or that she was misled! It’s everybody else’s fault for believing her!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No. We’re saying that even Trump’s people wouldn’t say it in court.

Sidney Powell especially. Lol. Cmon now. She doesn’t even try to say she made a mistake or that she was misled! It’s everybody else’s fault for believing her!
Stop lying


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I don’t understand you. You keep responding to my posts and then get upset when I respond to yours. What’s wrong with you? Got Sam Derangement Syndrome or something? Weird.
I didn’t respond to your stupid posts. You’re harassing me.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You still trotting out 18 month-old talking points that weren't even convincing lies to begin with? Smh.
It’s all they have. Lies. Are things better or worse now compared to 18 months ago? You will never get a straight answer. Can’t debate with liars. They will never acknowledge truth. Sad.


I'm a star
It’s all they have. Lies. Are things better or worse now compared to 18 months ago? You will never get a straight answer. Can’t debate with liars. They will never acknowledge truth. Sad.

I don't blame people for being misled, but when they willfully ignore the mountains of evidence that goes against their beliefs, just to cling to the flimsy little lies that confirm their beliefs, they have no one to blame but themselves.