Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Your right privacy is pretty important, The old I have nothing to hide is ridiculous everyone has something to hide. And just like the movie proved nothing because the people who need to investigate it only want to use that information when it’s convenient for them.
Do we all have something to hide? If you're breaking the law shouldn't you be held accountable? Turn the cameras on everywhere. Use facial recognition technology and if criminal acts are recorded then for once go enforce the damn laws and arrest them. The NSA doesn't give a damn about your speeding. But if they're able to stop another 9/11, another Oklahoma City then damn straight track the hell out of everyone. My rights haven't diminished one bit since the Patriot Act was enacted with the exception of having to listen to people go on and on about how the government is going to take everything from us with these amazing powers they've been given.


Well-Known Member
Do we all have something to hide? If you're breaking the law shouldn't you be held accountable? Turn the cameras on everywhere. Use facial recognition technology and if criminal acts are recorded then for once go enforce the damn laws and arrest them. The NSA doesn't give a damn about your speeding. But if they're able to stop another 9/11, another Oklahoma City then damn straight track the hell out of everyone. My rights haven't diminished one bit since the Patriot Act was enacted with the exception of having to listen to people go on and on about how the government is going to take everything from us with these amazing powers they've been given.
I don’t say this very often. But I think you might be an idiot Please seek help


Well-Known Member
Innocent people go to jail all the time. I’m surprised you’re cool with being tracked.
Innocent people who were put there by inaccurate witnesses, bad prosecutors. If there was proof a man was in another part of town when he allegedly raped a woman or robbed a liquor store wouldn't you want the police to have that power to check and see if he was where he said he was?


Well-Known Member
I don’t say this very often. But I think you might be an idiot Please seek help
Then tell me amigo what rights have you lost because the government uses algorithms to sift through phone calls and emails looking for keywords that might indicate Ahmed and Osama are plotting a terror attack? Think they give a damn that you are having an affair and they're going to tell your wife?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Innocent people who were put there by inaccurate witnesses, bad prosecutors. If there was proof a man was in another part of town when he allegedly raped a woman or robbed a liquor store wouldn't you want the police to have that power to check and see if he was where he said he was?
I don’t have the faith in this government that you do. Every gun owner is now potentially a criminal in the eyes of these scumbags.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have the faith in this government that you do. Every gun owner is now potentially a criminal in the eyes of these scumbags.
Imagine trusting the same people who you think have no problem not investigating potential voter fraud. Imagine trusting the same people who allowed the Russian collusion nonsense. I don’t have time for a person as delusional as that.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have the faith in this government that you do. Every gun owner is now potentially a criminal in the eyes of these scumbags.
I don't have faith in this Democratic controlled administration and Congress. I do have faith in the Constitution and as long as we uphold it I'll have faith in the country. But will have to accept there are people, a lot of them, who have a very different view of life than I do. Push back, demand your rights, but live and let live as long as they respect your rights as much as they demand you respect theirs. But this divisiveness because people are paranoid about what might happen, no matter who the paranoid are or what side of politics they're on, does nothing for the cohesion we need to remain a strong country.


Well-Known Member
Imagine trusting the same people who you think have no problem not investigating potential voter fraud. Imagine trusting the same people who allowed the Russian collusion nonsense. I don’t have time for a person as delusional as that.
It's because you think you have it all figured out and people are great as long as they see things the way you do. But let them disagree about anything and well there goes another one down the liberal highway to hell.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I don't have faith in this Democratic controlled administration and Congress. I do have faith in the Constitution and as long as we uphold it I'll have faith in the country. But will have to accept there are people, a lot of them, who have a very different view of life than I do. Push back, demand your rights, but live and let live as long as they respect your rights as much as they demand you respect theirs. But this divisiveness because people are paranoid about what might happen, no matter who the paranoid are or what side of politics they're on, does nothing for the cohesion we need to remain a strong country.
I wish my head was as clear as yours is.


I'm a star
Dude. They were Trumps chosen legal team. That they were whacko claims by a few and tweeted/retweeted millions of times over is squarely on the shoulders of the former president.

Irrelevant to the actual fraud. Very relevant to people who want to have any reason, no matter how delusional, to deny the real fraud that happened.

To be clear, I couldn't care less that the election was stolen from Trump. Trump made his bed and is sleeping in it. I care deeply that our supposed election system is compromised.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Irrelevant to the actual fraud. Very relevant to people who want to have any reason, no matter how delusional, to deny the real fraud that happened.

To be clear, I couldn't care less that the election was stolen from Trump. Trump made his bed and is sleeping in it. I care deeply that our supposed election system is compromised.
Not to mention we got this imbecile in chief because of the fraud.


Inordinately Right
Was that because the attorneys refused to call it fraud and risk their law practices by putting forth what they knew to be a lie?
You're asking why they didn't call it fraud when the case wasn't about fraud?

Okay let me explain.
It's because the case wasn't about fraud.
Are you caught up now homie?


I'm a star
For anyone who isn't aware, the GOP used the election fortification as a way to raise funds to the tune of $300 million+. They promised to use the money to investigate the election irregularities. As far as anyone knows, they spent $0 doing so. If a third party gains traction, it will be largely due to this sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
For anyone who isn't aware, the GOP used the election fortification as a way to raise funds to the tune of $300 million+. They promised to use the money to investigate the election irregularities. As far as anyone knows, they spent $0 doing so. If a third party gains traction, it will be largely due to this sort of thing.
I would rather be stabbed in the front than in the back.


Well-Known Member
I don't have faith in this Democratic controlled administration and Congress.
repubs will have to do a complete investigation when they take power. something tells me they'll still find a way to step on their members and screw it up not to mention at least half are in bed with the swamp.