Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Do you really need it explained? Ok. So everyknows that in the United States the 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure. Well no, it’s more than obvious that people don’t know that or more precisely they don’t understand them.


View attachment 387122

The post should be self explanatory. People have had these rights since the adoption of the 4th amendment and yet would needlessly and stupidly give up those rights. But it the Miranda WARNING didn’t come til long after. So while it would be absurd that people would think they have no right to privacy, it’s absolutely the fact that people do not understand the extent to which that right protects them or the danger they put themselves in without invoking that right.

It took a long time and people still have diarrhea of the mouth with the police.

What does every lawyer tell every single prospective client? STFU!


Well-Known Member
If only they’d proved it!

But yes. I’m sure every court and every judge is either a commie pig or a RINO. Had to be stolen even though he couldn’t get a 40% approval rating.

So this is the world we live in while you and the others enjoy fantasies of persecution.
I won't rehash it. No court has ever heard any arguement on the merits of a pleading.

It is fact, undeniable, that swing states allowed voting and changes to what their Constitutions allowed and as such became violations of the Federal Constitution and their states Constitution.

That said you chose not to respond to my one word answer.


Do you think this world and our country would be in the same predicament if Trump was president? Esay question to answer, depending on your answer it might be more difficult to support it.


I'm a star
Do you really need it explained? Ok. So everyknows that in the United States the 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizure. Well no, it’s more than obvious that people don’t know that or more precisely they don’t understand them.


View attachment 387122

The post should be self explanatory. People have had these rights since the adoption of the 4th amendment and yet would needlessly and stupidly give up those rights. But it the Miranda WARNING didn’t come til long after. So while it would be absurd that people would think they have no right to privacy, it’s absolutely the fact that people do not understand the extent to which that right protects them or the danger they put themselves in without invoking that right.

It took a long time and people still have diarrhea of the mouth with the police.

What does every lawyer tell every single prospective client? STFU!

The constitution does not grant rights, hence the fact that it wasn't meant to enumerate all rights. Unfortunately, many people delusionally believe in the absolute authority of the state, that the state grants us our rights, and can strip them any time it wants. When the state acts that way, it has violated the contract with the governed, the constitution. In breach of contract, the state becomes illegitimate.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I won't rehash it. No court has ever heard any arguement on the merits of a pleading.

It is fact, undeniable, that swing states allowed voting and changes to what their Constitutions allowed and as such became violations of the Federal Constitution and their states Constitution.

That said you chose not to respond to my one word answer.


Do you think this world and our country would be in the same predicament if Trump was president? Esay question to answer, depending on your answer it might be more difficult to support it.
Putin would have invaded The Ukraine with trumps blessing and there would be no NATO to stand in his way.


It's over $100 a barrel not because of our oil companies but because of the disruptions caused by Putin, because of the decrease in supply due to Biden cancelling leases on Federal land, because of OPEC holding back on production, etc, etc. Prices are determined by the futures market and all of this is factored in. The traders buy and sell based on government reports, corporate reports, the latest news such as a Saudi oil field shutting down after being bombed, that sort of thing. You said I was trying to simplify what's going on to put it all on Biden but you're doing exactly that with the oil corporations. If they control the price then how did oil go negative on the futures market in 2020? And according to you they were still making billions in profits. I think you need to stop listening to the liberal line and educate yourself to how things really work. Sooner or later market forces will bring prices down and oil companies won't be making record profits. And that will probably happen when the next president reopens Federal land and offshore drilling so that our production goes way up. By the way I've heard people here grouse about our oil being exported instead of being sold domestically. It's a matter of storage. If the tank farms in Cushing, OK are maxed out the oil has to go somewhere. That's what happens when every venue possible for drilling is opened up, there's excess. And lower prices to get rid of the excess. When supplies are tight we have higher prices. Instead of defending Biden by saying it won't make any difference Biden should reverse his policies and let us see if it makes a difference. He won't because he's beholden to the far Left. Even if you don't believe any of the above you've got to know that the Democrats are going to be slammed in November because of the high prices. Starts with high fuel costs. Denying that his policies had anything to do with high prices won't change what's coming.
The leases were producing nothing. They have the ability to increase rigs right now but won't and it has nothing to do with Biden.


Well-Known Member
The leases were producing nothing. They have the ability to increase rigs right now but won't and it has nothing to do with Biden.
The leases were producing nothing? On what planet do you live? And again, cancelling the leases shut out a lot of small oil companies who depend on drilling on Federal land.


Well-Known Member
Putin would have invaded The Ukraine with trumps blessing and there would be no NATO to stand in his way.
If your theory is true then he would have done so during the early years of trump when the US had not supplied anymore to the ukraine then pillows and blankets under Obama. As trump settled in he supplied the Ukraine with real weapons.

Putins actions shows that he expected a return on his investment from the 3 million he laundered through the biden crime family.


Well-Known Member
The leases that were cancelled were not developed. Ttku van.
He issued an executive order on his second day in office cancelling all new lease sales on all Federal land. In other words Federal land had no chance to be developed, taking new oil out of the picture. In April this year the administration allowed 144,000,000 acres to be leased, a much smaller amount than was previously available, with royalties set at a much higher rate but then cancelled most of those sales citing lack of industry interest.


Well-Known Member
He issued an executive order on his second day in office cancelling all new lease sales on all Federal land. In other words Federal land had no chance to be developed, taking new oil out of the picture. In April this year the administration allowed 144,000,000 acres to be leased, a much smaller amount than was previously available, with royalties set at a much higher rate but then cancelled most of those sales citing lack of industry interest.
and he has made it almost impossible to get new drilling permits.

you realize you're preaching to the 25 percent willing to go down with the Biden ship.
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