Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
It was second and third hand knowledge. Hear say
Either way I don’t care it’s dumb a bunch of grown adults acting like something shocking. Maybe they should read some presidential books and memoirs about some of the things presidents have said that would make your hair stand up.


Well-Known Member
"I made it clear I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff, which I told the President was bull:censored2:. And I didn't want to be a part of it." - Bill Barr
Also your newfound friend Bill Barr



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Either way I don’t care it’s dumb a bunch of grown adults acting like something shocking. Maybe they should read some presidential books and memoirs about some of the things presidents have said that would make your hair stand up.
It’s a political stunt to try and save their asses in November.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
"I made it clear I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff, which I told the President was bull:censored2:. And I didn't want to be a part of it." - Bill Barr

"I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr told Beck.

"I believe it is seditious," he added, clarifying that whether that could be proved in court as a crime is another issue.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm comfortable with both of those things he said being true.


Well-Known Member
"I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr told Beck.

"I believe it is seditious," he added, clarifying that whether that could be proved in court as a crime is another issue.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm comfortable with both of those things he said being true.


Well-Known Member
"I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr told Beck.

"I believe it is seditious," he added, clarifying that whether that could be proved in court as a crime is another issue.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm comfortable with both of those things he said being true.
He has no responsibility for the second item you list other than to have it investigated which he did with the Durham appointment.

He would have direct responsibility with the first if he allowed an election to be stolen on his watch. He pretty much has to deny it happened for his own credibility.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Whether you agree or disagree that this one or Hillaries was stolen the fact remains that our founders as brillant as they were did not allow for the day when a presidential election is or will be stolen. No court will hear it and no VP will overturn it unless thousands of those that were guilty came forward immediately and confessed their actions.
The window is too small for that to happen.
In this case would it be easy for dem to convince others that Trump is the anti-christ and therefore the end justifies the means?
Dems win presidential elections in the big cities. Can anyone ever actually crack a democratic stronghold and catch election fraud when no one in that stronghold will ever assist in the investigation.
So the answer is to either set the rules ahead of the election to prevent the cheating or be a better cheater than the other side.

Lenin -

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.​



Inordinately Right
"I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr told Beck.

"I believe it is seditious," he added, clarifying that whether that could be proved in court as a crime is another issue.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm comfortable with both of those things he said being true.
So, are you embarrassed that you people bought into the collusion delusion for so long?


Inordinately Right
It was all out there. The trump cult was too much in denial and pushing the big lie.
What was the lie?


Well-Known Member
I’m Trump neutral, Point was he has a temper doesn’t shock me he said it and it’s not that big a deal. The left said far worse about Pence for four year, now all of a sudden you care?
Trump is an ass but he was our ass and his results that he got were incredible. If biden had negotiated the 5 peace deals in the middle east that trump got he would have 2 noble peace prizes by now.