Storming the Capitol


Strength through joy

Gosh darn it! This sounds like an insurrection. I think they should have the book thrown at them as well as everyone around them.
  • The group were filming were removed from the premises earlier in the day due to a lack of credentials
  • A CBS spokesperson confirmed to that a group filming segments for Colbert's show
  • They returned again later in the day and were arrested, according to capitol police
  • According to the police, the arrests 'may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney'
  • The group are facing similar charges to many of those charged with roles in the January 6 capitol riot
  • The group was attempting to film and take pictures around the offices House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Lauren Boebert.
  • Citing a congressional source, Fox News Jesse Watters said on a broadcast that the group gained access to the building from Democratic congressmen Rep. Adam Schiff of California and Rep. Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts


Well-Known Member
First of the Proud Boys pleads guilty of seditious conspiracy and weapons charges in exchange for lesser sentence and testimony.
two years of being held and denied your constitutional rights will get you to plead guilty to a lot of things.

is your party still pushing that the hispanic leader of proud boys is a white supremacist?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
two years of being held and denied your constitutional rights will get you to plead guilty to a lot of things.

is your party still pushing that the hispanic leader of proud boys is a white supremacist?
I added no narrative and hold no alliance to a single political party.


All Trash No Trailer
Danged Antifa!!
Jeremy Bertino, a top lieutenant to Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy in federal court on Thursday, and is cooperating with the Justice Department’s investigation into the far-right extremist group.

Bertino, 43, also pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. He is the first member of the Proud Boys to plead guilty to seditious conspiracy – a major boost to the historic prosecution of the organization.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Danged Antifa!!
Jeremy Bertino, a top lieutenant to Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy in federal court on Thursday, and is cooperating with the Justice Department’s investigation into the far-right extremist group.

Bertino, 43, also pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. He is the first member of the Proud Boys to plead guilty to seditious conspiracy – a major boost to the historic prosecution of the organization.

Listen here, lib! Jeremy Bertini is a good boy who was just trying to take a peaceful tour of the Capitol on January 6th. Antifa showed up for the false flag operation and Jeremy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!



Well-Known Member
Trump bitched and moaned about "the swamp" and "the deep state" to play guys like you and so you'd identify with his whining and give him a pass for not doing 95% of what he promised.
Please expound on all the things he promised to do but didn't? That 5% he did do according to you must have been quite a lot considering Biden spent the first week of his presidency issuing executive orders reversing most of what Trump had done.


Well-Known Member
I added no narrative and hold no alliance to a single political party.
walks like a duck .....

no outrage that BLM can burn down cities, police stations , court houses and attack and kill many with few repercussions?
I should point out many of those folks were actually armed?

while unarmed protestors who engaged in some violence and tresspassing are held and persecuted as political prisoners. Denied their constitutional rights and held in less than Guantanamo level accomadations?

Does an independent find any outrage in such?
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Well-Known Member
Trump bitched and moaned about "the swamp" and "the deep state" to play guys like you and so you'd identify with his whining and give him a pass for not doing 95% of what he promised.
Actually he did more than any president has ever done . Your jealousy is duly noted and appreciated. maybe some day your side will actually find a dynamic leader that does more than sell us used cars .


Well-Known Member
Listen here, lib! Jeremy Bertini is a good boy who was just trying to take a peaceful tour of the Capitol on January 6th. Antifa showed up for the false flag operation and Jeremy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!

View attachment 403450
oh my god he's wearing military style clothing. He should have been executed for doing so. My memory is a little fuzzy how many weapons was he caught with that day?

and just to be clear every citizen that talks about over throwing a corrupt government should be denied their rights and forced into jail?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
walks like a duck .....

no outrage that BLM can burn down cities, police stations , court houses and attack and kill many with few repercussions.

while unarmed protestors who engaged in some violence and tresspassing are held and persecuted as political prisoners. Denied their constitutional rights and held in less than Guantanamo level accomadations?

Does an independent find any outrage in such?
I believe the number of defendants involved in the riots of 2020 is greater than those from 1/6. The city's DAs are actively pursuing criminal charges against those who committed crimes.


Inordinately Right
I believe the number of defendants involved in the riots of 2020 is greater than those from 1/6. The city's DAs are actively pursuing criminal charges against those who committed crimes.
LMFAO you actually believe that?
They've been released en masse.
Many of them have been given their bonds that left wing non profits put up for them, back directly into their pockets. Riot, get let out, get paid. Brilliant.