Strike authorization vote for 705


My Senior Picture
How is my local different then 705 ?

Why is it that you have a seperate contract than we do !!
We fight the same fight every day, touch the same boxes every day, go home with the same stress everyday !!

If you have someone to fight, talk to Hoffa himself. They accepted the contract from UPS and sent it out to vote. I can't see how Chicago is so special that it needs to threaten a strike and possibly lose customers that affect us all around the country.

I tried reading those proposals and can not find the bulletpoints of what you are fighting for, besides 22.3 to feeders.

Please send me a link to what this UGLY mess that will ruin our customer base is all about

There are many locals, regions, etc. that are governed by different contracts and supplements to the national contract. In many cases, as in my area, the language in the supplement super cedes the national language. As you can imagine there many geographic, economic, and logistical factors across this business to make this necessary. 705 is uniting to make UPS give them a fair contract in their neck of the woods.

You may be satisfied with the national contract, but a lot of us aren't. Unfortunately many scared, under educated teamsters were rushed into judgement when this contract was put to vote. Concessions were made that will be felt for years to come. Once concessions are made it is almost impossible to reverse them.


Huge Member
There are many locals, regions, etc. that are governed by different contracts and supplements to the national contract. In many cases, as in my area, the language in the supplement super cedes the national language. As you can imagine there many geographic, economic, and logistical factors across this business to make this necessary. 705 is uniting to make UPS give them a fair contract in their neck of the woods.

You may be satisfied with the national contract, but a lot of us aren't. Unfortunately many scared, under educated teamsters were rushed into judgement when this contract was put to vote. Concessions were made that will be felt for years to come. Once concessions are made it is almost impossible to reverse them.

I voted no !!!!

I can't defeat a democratic process myself. I have to live with it. I think Hoffa screwed up huge. The only thing I like is the opt-in/out 9.5 list. UPS will wait to the last minute in CT to implement it. I have never seen more over 10's in a week than I have this past week (including the holidays)


My Senior Picture
I voted no !!!!

I can't defeat a democratic process myself. I have to live with it. I think Hoffa screwed up huge. The only thing I like is the opt-in/out 9.5 list. UPS will wait to the last minute in CT to implement it. I have never seen more over 10's in a week than I have this past week (including the holidays)

705 hasn't had their turn at the democratic process. They aren't governed by the national contract nor have they had a contract suitable to bring to their members for a vote.

Glad to see you aren't a fan of the national contract. It Sucks!

What is it that you like about opt-in/out 9.5 list? Under the old contract everybody was in. If you didn't like working over 9.5 you grieved it. If you wanted all you can eat you stay mum.


pitch and toss
If the previous generations of UPS Teamsters thought like Heffernan and Jetset we would not have the jobs that we have today. We deserve as big a piece of the pie as we can get. Stay strong 705! UPS can't aford and will not allow a strike.

And maybe if you continue to think we could be left with nothing but memories.

Tie is right poor, union funds are not being managed well and the company is expected to pay the price when its all gone and the cash cow can't be milked no more what then.
I admire the deals the union have struck for you guys beleive me you get way more than we do in the UK but sometimes you can want too much, and as you strike me and my fellow workers can expect redundancies, great.


pitch and toss
We are some of the highest paid so yes you are corect there, dhl is around 25 and change per hour while we are 28. But if you look at the difference here we do alot more work for that 28 than dhl for his 25.

I will never say that people in chicago work harder than any other upser in any part of the world. Since day one chicago was never included in the national master agreement.

Pensions vary from state to state some our contralled by both teamsters and ups, some are controlled by ups only.

Thanks for putting me right on the pension , in the UK during the last strike we were told all pensions were managed by the union. sorry for my misunderstanding.


Huge Member
I see your points.

I just think that HONESTLY, all these riders and supplements seperate us more than they bring us together. How am I suppose to accept union "brotherhood" if we're not all on the same level.

For the 9.5 list, I like that when we grieve it, we are given more money than before. Which forces them to leave more routes in, that's the point.



My Senior Picture
And maybe if you continue to think we could be left with nothing but memories.

Tie is right poor, union funds are not being managed well and the company is expected to pay the price when its all gone and the cash cow can't be milked no more what then.
I admire the deals the union have struck for you guys beleive me you get way more than we do in the UK but sometimes you can want too much, and as you strike me and my fellow workers can expect redundancies, great.

The "cash cow" is healthy and fat, in the position to take market share from the weaker players. UPS will not allow a strike. Don't back down 705!

I will not argue that the union has some holes in their game. But to lose good money after bad is not the answer either.


My Senior Picture
I see your points.

I just think that HONESTLY, all these riders and supplements seperate us more than they bring us together. How am I suppose to accept union "brotherhood" if we're not all on the same level.

For the 9.5 list, I like that when we grieve it, we are given more money than before. Which forces them to leave more routes in, that's the point.


What is it triple time now under this opt-in/out list? It was double time previously.In my area this language is not applicable under our suppliment. You'll like this, we have reserved the right to strike over the 9.5 issue. We have the hammer!! Stupidest thing I can imagine. I'm sure we would be widely supported when we hit the streets? Not. It will never happen.


Browncafe Steward
And maybe if you continue to think we could be left with nothing but memories.

Tie is right poor, union funds are not being managed well and the company is expected to pay the price when its all gone and the cash cow can't be milked no more what then.
I admire the deals the union have struck for you guys beleive me you get way more than we do in the UK but sometimes you can want too much, and as you strike me and my fellow workers can expect redundancies, great.

Your pension argument could go on and on, as it has in the past. The companies also have the same amount of trustees as the union sits on these plans so both sides should receive the same blame.

When we got feed up here in chicago we were in the red everywhere. Our local was losing more money that could be brought in. Now in just a little over 4 years we are in the best shape ever. It first started with cutting salaries this way only people that had the members best interest took the jobs, and not those that were looking at it for the money.

If chicago does strike it would be felt across the world, but we can not except a contract that has not been addressed in full.
I voted no !!!!
We are working to get a proposal to look at much less vote yes or no.

I can't defeat a democratic process myself. I have to live with it.
Our local is working toward getting us a fair contract we won`t "have to live with".

I think Hoffa screwed up huge. The only thing I like is the opt-in/out 9.5 list. UPS will wait to the last minute in CT to implement it. I have never seen more over 10's in a week than I have this past week (including the holidays)
We are working hard on not getting screwed huge.

You come across as someone who got served a :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: sandwich and are pissed of that we don`t want to order off the same menu.


Huge Member
We are working hard on not getting screwed huge.

You come across as someone who got served a :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: sandwich and are pissed of that we don`t want to order off the same menu.

Really now !!!!!!

I pay Hoffa a lot of money to get the best contract for the job I do !!!!
Do I think we got hosed? Yes
Am I bitter? Hell No, Hoffa agreed to it and sent it to the workers
It is what it is

If they give you the same master contract that was accepted every where else, do you accept it??
I still havn't seen the cliff notes on what's not given or what's taken away.

Still waiting for a link


Browncafe Steward
Really now !!!!!!

I pay Hoffa a lot of money to get the best contract for the job I do !!!!
Do I think we got hosed? Yes
Am I bitter? Hell No, Hoffa agreed to it and sent it to the workers
It is what it is

If they give you the same master contract that was accepted every where else, do you accept it??
I still havn't seen the cliff notes on what's not given or what's taken away.

Still waiting for a link
Since you missed the last one i posted less than an hour ago maybe you can see this one.



Huge Member
Since you missed the last one i posted less than an hour ago maybe you can see this one.



An unbiased site was asked for.
This is what I get

I had said I can't read what is being asked for by both parties. It is too complex to go through the 7 contract proposals with crossed out words.
Is there somewhere that has the bulletpoints of what is being fought over by both !!!!!!!!!!!


Huge Member
You are on too many threads

I don't see anything posted an hour ago here.
Every thing is timestamped

Am I missing something !!


Browncafe Steward

An unbiased site was asked for.
This is what I get

I had said I can't read what is being asked for by both parties. It is too complex to go through the 7 contract proposals with crossed out words.
Is there somewhere that has the bulletpoints of what is being fought over by both !!!!!!!!!!!
For the first time a local posts updates of proposals to keep the members updated and people complain for a bulletpoint website. Did the national do this? No Maybe ups can post on their proposals, in any event it will be the same proposals.

If your not going to take the time and research it for your self than you should not comment on it. Now your trying to talk about something you have no idea about.

Theres nothing being hidden, if you just take the time you will see that ups has not offered us any money!

But it is easier to rant and rave than research and become educated.


here's a link that shows the misinformation spread by the union propaganda machine. If the union felt the comment "not interested" was relevant then they should have have listed the entire exchange that led to it in its use so that your members could understand how the comment was presented.

Not Interested

Otherwise it appears the company took the unions proposals seriously since they asked for clarification and spent all day discussing them.

This you have to read between the lines since the union poster clearly did not want to present the idea that the company was taking their proposals seriously.

Since the union poster did not offer an explanation for the comment for the comment I humbly offer my own:

union negotiator: holy moses look at the time its already 3 pm.
time to wrap things up.

company negotiator: Already?

union negotiator: Yep its been a long day. Hey listen we can continue
conversation after hours if you want. There's a nice
strip club on North kingsbury . VIP Gentlemens club. what do you say.

company negotiator: nope not interested.
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Browncafe Steward
here's a link that shows the misinformation spread by the union propaganda machine. If the union felt the comment "not interested" was relevant then they should have have listed the entire exchange that led to it in its use so that your members could understand how the comment was presented.

Not Interested

Otherwise it appears the company took the unions proposals seriously since they asked for clarification and spent all day discussing them.

This you have to read between the lines since the union poster clearly did not want to present the idea that the company was taking their proposals seriously.
Tie whats stopping ups from creating a website to update the members or even the management team? The company has not spend all day any of the days discussing anything with the unions side.
I had said I can't read what is being asked for by both parties. It is too complex to go through the 7 contract proposals with crossed out words.
Is there somewhere that has the bulletpoints of what is being fought over by both !!!!!!!!!!!

You mean like a remedial contract proposal or some cliffs notes for your convenience? Sorry no,it`s all in big boy language. If it`s too complex to take time to read, why isn't` it too much trouble to complain?


Tie whats stopping ups from creating a website to update the members or even the management team?

Red ,
I'm surprised you don't know the answer to that question. When negotiations start the company always makes a committment with the union to not reveal details of the negotiations until a final offer is on the table. they do this in the hopes the union will not spread a lot of misinformation as yours is doing now. So once again the company is keeping its word and staying mum while the union is out there spreading half truths at every opportunity.