I am very familiar with the disadvantages of the contract.
I read the posts on this website everyday.
I also understand that I'm kind of annoying you, and just wanted to know whats in your proposed contract that is not in the national one.
I didnt want to sit in front of the comp. and compare contracts.
I just wanted to know the points in an easier fashion.
Not all of them, mind you, the major sticking points
Im glad we agree on the bad parts of the contract, this will/shall save me some time instead of researching to post.
Im not annoyed by any poster! I would appreciate a good debate on the issues, i understand that not evryone sees everything the same and thank god for that. I actuall tryed earlier to give you rep points because one of your posts said you want fatcs to come to a conclusion but the site wouldnt let me rep you.
We are asking for better bidding language for cover drivers as in picking your route on thursday for the next week and if you chose not to run a route that week you will/shall swing on a day by day basis.
As tie mentioned we did ask for 10xs our pay rate for sups working, this is because management always says i promise they wont work anymore, at last count i believe we had 16,000 sups working griuevances over the last 4 years a little excessive.
We asked for 1 dollar an hour per year in a wage raise on august 1st and no splits. Which is basically what we had under the last 6 year contract.
We did ask for $60 more per week in contributions into the health and welfare plan. Similar to the last contract.
We did ask that you do not have to use your vacation time if you use FMLA, the company countered on this one with if your job is still there you can have it, if nits been filed you SOL.
We are asking for ftimers to be allowed to bid any other ftime job up or down in pay, ftime seniority is ftime seniority.
It goes on and on, i misunderstood your question on clarification.
804 is right we do the same jobs but are affected by different reasons.
When you negotiate a contract theres 3 groups you have to take into account.
1st. The youger crown coonverned with going ftime and/or pay rates.
2nd. Married crown, more concerned with medical benefits than anything else.
3rd. Older crown, main concern is the retirement package.
As you can see ups has not addressed any of these main concerns with under 3 weeks left.
There is a question that i have not seen asked, why didnt ups address the contract with 705 and 710 last year? Why did they wait until june?
Go ahead tie this to must be the union goon propaganda machine at work quote again.