Strike fund allotment


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I agree with all the personal responsibility arguments. You are right, however, we all know many, if not most, have not prepared for a strike. The union? Who knows where that money (strike fund) went? $125-150 a week? What's that gonna' do?

My idea puts real power behind negotiating.


Well-Known Member
Dues money cannot - by law - be given as political contributions. Political contributions are made via the DRIVE fund, which is an additional voluntary donation that can be auto-drafted along with dues.

The only problem I have with the Teamster top brass pay/benefits are the multiple job-holders.

Do you know how much money the drive program brings in per year???? Is this information available to the public??


Do you know how much money the drive program brings in per year???? Is this information available to the public??

DRIVE spent about $14.3 million in 2012. Just taking a very brief glance at the FCC data, DRIVE seems to have been bringing in roughly $550,000/monthly for 2013.

Political Action Committees (PACs) are fairly transparent. Here is all the FCC data that had to be filed by the IBT for DRIVE: COMMITTEE DETAILS FOR COMMITTEE ID C00032979

Here's a briefer summary on DRIVE spending in 2012: Teamsters Union Summary | OpenSecrets

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The groups that don't have to disclose the sources/receipts for funding/contribution purposes are 501(c)(4) groups that were really unleashed post-Citizens United. The corporate money being dumped into these groups (that cannot be publicly accounted for) has dwarfed PAC money by leaps and bounds. Examples include American Crossroads GPS (Karl Rove's organization), ALEC, and Americans for Prosperity (a Koch brother-backed Tea Party group).


Man of Great Wisdom
if I remember correctly, our dues was increased in 2001 when Hoffa held a special convention in Las Vegas not long after the regular convention. During that special meeting our dues was raised to 2.5 x our rate. That increase had a specific purpose, it was to generate a $50 million strike fund. Not sure what happened to the rest of the money when that goal was met.

​A Nickel An Hour For Teamster Power!


Well-Known Member
Strike fund is all most 4,000,000.00. Should be more but, thats right its used as a fund stream for the International Organizing Efforts.

No, as of December 31, 2011, the strike fund contained $91,278,607.
