Strike will definitely happen


Well-Known Member
Every society on earth owned slaves at some point. Also, every society on earth conquered people and lands.
However Americans & Christians are the only ones attacked over it & by their fellow countrymen.
Moderns elevate their self righteous modernity & act like they are the new priests of society. They don't realize that they have been used to create their own demise. They can't see beyond to the post American state where freedom is lost.


Well-Known Member
Every society on earth owned slaves at some point. Also, every society on earth conquered people and lands.
However Americans & Christians are the only ones attacked over it & by their fellow countrymen.
Moderns elevate their self righteous modernity & act like they are the new priests of society. They don't realize that they have been used to create their own demise. They can't see beyond to the post American state where freedom is lost.
Kind of a weird argument. I think it’s a good thing to attack your fellow country men for owning slaves. It shows progress and empathy. Just because everybody else did it doesn’t mean it was right


Well-Known Member
Kind of a weird argument. I think it’s a good thing to attack your fellow country men for owning slaves. It shows progress and empathy. Just because everybody else did it doesn’t mean it was right
Noone they are attacking owned a slave. Progress is recognizing that society was much different in times past & deciding that we don't want to live the way they did. Going backwards is picking 1 religion & 1 race to attack & disregarding that most religions & most races did the exact same thing.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Every society on earth owned slaves at some point. Also, every society on earth conquered people and lands.
However Americans & Christians are the only ones attacked over it & by their fellow countrymen.
Moderns elevate their self righteous modernity & act like they are the new priests of society. They don't realize that they have been used to create their own demise. They can't see beyond to the post American state where freedom is lost.
Slavery is still taking place today.


Inordinately Right
Noone they are attacking owned a slave. Progress is recognizing that society was much different in times past & deciding that we don't want to live the way they did. Going backwards is picking 1 religion & 1 race to attack & disregarding that most religions & most races did the exact same thing.
I like what you're saying, except that most religions didn't do the same thing.

2000 years ago Christianity commanded masters to treat their slaves with dignity and as equals in the eyes of God. This was a radical idea at the time. Pagan religions were perfectly fine with slavery.

Christianity also called for people to buy their way out of bondage, at a time when it was common for the poor to sell themselves into slavery. Roman society, it's pagan religion, and it's caste system, were completely upturned by Christianity.

Christianity was the entire basis for the abolitionist movement in the United States and the world. I find it troubling to hear that people participating in this thread aren't aware of that.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I like what you're saying, except that most religions didn't do the same thing.

2000 years ago Christianity commanded masters to treat their slaves with dignity and as equals in the eyes of God. This was a radical idea at the time. Pagan religions were perfectly fine with slavery.

Christianity also called for people to buy their way out of bondage, at a time when it was common for the poor to sell themselves into slavery. Roman society, it's pagan religion, and it's caste system, were completely upturned by Christianity.

Christianity was the entire basis for the abolitionist movement in the United States and the world. I find it troubling to hear that people participating in this thread aren't aware of that.
For the New Testament writers to come out and say slavery is wrong and it must be abolished may have been the death knell of Christianity. They were already being fed to the lions. Persecution was rampant, especially after being blamed for setting Rome on fire.
The wisdom of the inspired writers is seen in the instructions given. Knowing as Christianity grew, slavery would diminish.
I swear it's like everything kids these days know about history they learned from an NPR podcast with ibram x kendi or a spike jones movie.

History has nuance.
Dig a little deeper kiddos.
I hate the Confederacy for ruining a Euro-centric America and I hate the Left for tricking the Right into supporting it by default

is that enough nuance? did I get that view from NPR lol

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only to please them while they are watching, but with sincerity of heart and fear of the Lord. - Colossians 1:22

this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free. Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him. Eph. 6: 8-9

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.…Eph. 6:5

Masters, supply your slaves with what is right and fair, since you know that you also have a Master in heaven. -Col. 4:1
The Bible is written with instruction that allows for slavery to exist in a society.
Instructions are given to both to the master and the slave.
There’s only one Master and we are free in Him.