

Well-Known Member

well here you work over three 9.5 then go into the office with a steward to ask for a work reduction and get your first target put on your back. Then after your next three 9.5 you go into the office tonopt in to the 9.5 list and get fitted for your second,and larger, target on your back. THEN, after your next three 9.5 you file a grievance and get your third, and even larger, target. It’s a hassle and nobody wants to put up with it. Not to mention the maliciously compliant dispatch of two 12 hour days. We have witnessed first hand that filing on excessive hours gets you nothing. Not even a hearing.

I would consider this new language a win.

Why don't you go on the 9.5 list the first time you go over 3 times? Plus you'll still have the target on your back because you'll likely be the only one filing a grievance when violated

Im not saying it's not a win. I'm saying it's not some huge win that makes up for 70 hour work weeks. I've been on the 9.5 list for years. Deal with the target every day.



well here you work over three 9.5 then go into the office with a steward to ask for a work reduction and get your first target put on your back. Then after your next three 9.5 you go into the office tonopt in to the 9.5 list and get fitted for your second,and larger, target on your back. THEN, after your next three 9.5 you file a grievance and get your third, and even larger, target. It’s a hassle and nobody wants to put up with it. Not to mention the maliciously compliant dispatch of two 12 hour days. We have witnessed first hand that filing on excessive hours gets you nothing. Not even a hearing.

I would consider this new language a win.

Time to man up or

Shut up


Active Member
Why don't you go on the 9.5 list the first time you go over 3 times? Plus you'll still have the target on your back because you'll likely be the only one filing a grievance when violated

Im not saying it's not a win. I'm saying it's not some huge win that makes up for 70 hour work weeks. I've been on the 9.5 list for years. Deal with the target every day.

Right. A win but not a huge win. Definitely better than what we have been dealing with for the last five years.

I agree with @burrheadd man up or shut up. The contract is invalid if you don’t enforce it. A lot of guys talking but don’t want to take that leap because they are still cutting corners and worried they will get caught.
And now, you don't have to be violated 3 times in a week to get on the 9.5 list.

That's how negotiations work....

That's why there are so many cases listed in the back of the Teamster magazine.

Whatever BUG. This proposal is a joke and if your considering voting yes, you should change your name to little union bitch

well here you work over three 9.5 then go into the office with a steward to ask for a work reduction and get your first target put on your back. Then after your next three 9.5 you go into the office tonopt in to the 9.5 list and get fitted for your second,and larger, target on your back. THEN, after your next three 9.5 you file a grievance and get your third, and even larger, target. It’s a hassle and nobody wants to put up with it. Not to mention the maliciously compliant dispatch of two 12 hour days. We have witnessed first hand that filing on excessive hours gets you nothing. Not even a hearing.

I would consider this new language a win.
Current 9 5 language blows.