Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Mr Intellectual, A moment of your time please. You're stands for you are. So to say "Oh yes you are rambling...." instead of in this case the possessive "your" would be incorrect. I know, I know, but people who live in glass houses....
You are completely right. My apologies to the other poster. I thought I had a good one and made myself look like a dummy by not reading his full sentence. You got me.


Well-Known Member
Our laws are based on Judeo-Christian traditions. This is commonly known and accepted by scholars worldwide. You may choose to believe otherwise. It's what haters are trying to do these days, cancel everything that has gone before.
Western civilization started with the romans, not the Jews and Christians. Christians just like to believe they started it.


Well-Known Member
Western civilization started with the romans, not the Jews and Christians. Christians just like to believe they started it.
Um, the Romans were an ethnic group. Christianity was a civilizing force as a religious movement. Safe to say that the Roman Empire provided a structure throughout Europe that enabled the spread of Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Like I've always said. religions have spent the past 8000 years destroying one another over the question of who's God is the true God and who loves him more..... And this war of words is an example of it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Like I've always said. religions have spent the past 8000 years destroying one another over the question of who's God is the true God and who loves him more..... And this war of words is an example of it.
And you are a prime example of the difference between the Objective World (you) and the Narrative World (believers). The best example I've read is the Objective World sees a book and marvels at the binding, the pictures, the construction, while the Narrative World READS THE CONTENTS of the book, and are awed by the Intelligence and Information it provides.

So much for your Objectivity.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
For anyone else reading this, Jesus never said that. He implied it by saying that a man shall leave his parents and be joined as one with his wife in Matthew 19:5, but considering he spent his entire 3 year ministry healing the sick, forgiving sins, and rebuking religious bigots like Dano,
"He didn't say that marriage was between a man and a woman, he just said that a man is to marry a woman." LOL

it’s pretty evident that he didn’t target homosexuality like millions of people who claim to follow him do.
You sure do get bent out of shape about it being called a sin.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Right. You’re missing the point completely. Jesus COMMANDED that his followers spread the gospel (good news) of salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, hope and perfect love to those far and wide. When we do that, it is up to the other person to decide on their own terms whether they want to accept it or continue in their own lifestyle. Many Christians ignore this commission completely and judge non-Christians for leading non-Christian lifestyles and then turn around and claim persecution when people aren’t receptive to their judgment. It’s incredible how many people claim to follow Christ and ignore everything he ever said and make hills to die on about things he never said.
Stating that those who don't believe that Jesus is Lord and was resurrected (and unrepentant sinners) are going to Hell, per scripture, is not judging anyone.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
We people ARE the government, don't you understand????? A little different than in biblical times. and god commanded that people take care of the poor, weak, etc. And where did god ever punish homosexuality? You seem to know a lot more about homosexualtiy than I do.
I know more about the bible than you do, but that's not saying much judging from your posts.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
And the
bible thumpers' state that unless you are baptized, you can't get into heaven, and unless you swear an oath to Trump, I mean Jesus, you can't get into heaven. What about the billions of good people who never heard of Jesus???? Your religion is stupid, and you need to be stupid to believe it.
"Your religion is stupid because I don't like the rules."

I believe Jesus existed, I don't believe he died and rose again. He may have been in a coma for 3 days and died 40 days later.
The problem with that is that his tomb was unsealed after 3 days and his body was gone despite there being no motive nor any opportunity for anyone to remove his body.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Did Jesus EVER say to follow all the old testament BS?????
Jesus said that he didn't come to abolish the law, but to fulfill its purpose.

You certainly have an interesting interpretation of scripture. Maybe you're just ignorant.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Precisely. Yet you consercuks will still invade the privacy of couples and attempt to deprive them of their rights to decide on whether or not to to carry a pregnancy to term.
Imagine being so morally bankrupt that you think the wrong side of an argument is that we shouldn't kill babies.


Well-Known Member
A second page of Dano proving how insecure he is. “I know more about the Bible than you” LOL that’s the way to save souls. Can your dad beat his dad up too? What an insecure little baby.


Inordinately Right
Like I've always said. religions have spent the past 8000 years destroying one another over the question of who's God is the true God and who loves him more..... And this war of words is an example of it.
Oh really? Which god were Genghis Khan, Stalin, and Mao Zedong murdering hundreds of millions of people for? SMH, so clueless.