Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Why don't you just go ahead and skip right to the part where you cry about your dead family member who died in welfare squalor. That's the inevitable end of all your far left ramblings
Your comprehension skills are even lower than I thought they were that was pretty low to begin with. One of the drivers behind the passage of the ACA is that 85% of all personal bankruptcies was medical bills. And the reason for the closing of hospitals was uncompensated care.
Just remember one thing. When you go a healthcare provider whether that be an out patient clinic, a trauma center, or a skilled nursing home facility seeking care and treatment when you sign on the dotted line you agree to accept 100% full financial liability for every cent of billed charges.
Your constantly bringing up this matter is conclusive proof that you're just as worried about the extent and level of healthcare services you will need and how to pay for them as everyone else is about theirs as well. If not then tell us about the financial measures you are currently taking in preparation for the day when you too will need such services. If you think that old age and failing health is something that happens to somebody else and not you... then you've been seriously mislead.


Inordinately Right
Your comprehension skills are even lower than I thought they were that was pretty low to begin with. One of the drivers behind the passage of the ACA is that 85% of all personal bankruptcies was medical bills.
And that was a lie that stupid people believed.

That statistic looked at all bankruptcies and counted any bankruptcy where the person had any medical debt. As is usual, Democrats are liars. They have to lie in order to get support for their terrible ideologies.


Inordinately Right
If you think that old age and failing health is something that happens to somebody else and not you... then you've been seriously mislead.

Your constantly bringing up this matter is conclusive proof that you're terrified of dying in squalor like your family member. Stop projecting your issues onto everyone else lady.


Well-Known Member
Your constantly bringing up this matter is conclusive proof that you're terrified of dying in squalor like your family member. Stop projecting your issues onto everyone else lady.
And this matter had long since concluded until YOU brought it up again a few posts ago. Now that tells me that you have done nothing in preparation for the most dreaded time in a person's life. As for those "terrible ideologies" They'll likely be the ones you will have to depend on if you have not or could not create alternatives on your own. And it would appear that you have not done so on your own and likely never will.


Inordinately Right
And this matter had long since concluded until YOU brought it up again a few posts ago. Now that tells me that you have done nothing in preparation for the most dreaded time in a person's life. As for those "terrible ideologies" They'll likely be the ones you will have to depend on if you have not or could not create alternatives on your own. And it would appear that you have not done so on your own and likely never will.
As usual, you're projecting your fears and emotions onto others. You need to settle down little lady.


Well-Known Member
As usual, you're projecting your fears and emotions onto others. You need to settle down little lady.
That glib remark is conclusive proof that you're no better prepared for the future then anybody else and by not doing anything to prepare you'll be just as likely to apply for public benefits in response to those future needs as anyone else.

You consercuks amuse me. Your rhetoric is all empty talk. Nothing backed with specific and decisive measures in support of your rhetoric. Just talk.


Inordinately Right
That glib remark is conclusive proof that you're no better prepared for the future then anybody else and by not doing anything to prepare you'll be just as likely to apply for public benefits in response to those future needs as anyone else.

You consercuks amuse me. Your rhetoric is all empty talk. Nothing backed with specific and decisive measures in support of your rhetoric. Just talk.
Take a midol sweetheart.


Well-Known Member
The same people who claim to be for the sanctity of life are the same ones who scream oppression when they have to put a mask on to go into Burger King during a pandemic.
And they are the same people who use the bible to defend the death penalty. Yep- they believe in a loving god who has banished billions to hell because they were never baptized, while those who may have committed heinous crimes go to heaven because they were 'reborn.'
That religion is just plain crazy if you think about it, which is why they tell you that you need faith. If they could explain the craziness with logic, they wouldn't tell you that you MUST believe and trust them. Trust me, I own that bridge, and will sell it to you for 10% of your earnings.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people consider forcing boys and girls together in the same locker room pretty radical. Burning down cities all last summer. Telling us we must do this and that to prevent the spread of Covid then opening up borders to people who aren't even tested is pretty radical. AOC's New Green Deal is pretty radical. Wanting to confiscate guns is pretty radical. Pushing for Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood. Wanting to stack SCOTUS. Essentially trying for one party rule with all of that. You're not concerned with democracy. You want complete control. And you'll lie your way into it if that is what it takes.
What city was burned down?????? If you think that burning a city means burning a couple buildings, you must live in a pretty small city. And comparing asking millions and millions to wear masks to prevent the spread of disease has zero context in the matter of a few hundred ILLEGAL immigrants having covid. They would all be required to wear the same mask in stores, restaurants, etc once here. Your mind is jumbling all this nonsense together, obviously you have trouble separating your thoughts. Burning a few buildings IS NOT burning down multiple cities, and that a few hundred migrants who crossed the border illegally while having covid does NOT eliminate the need for preventing the spread of disease. You may have dementia or something, so if you do, I apologize for thinking you are bats**t crazy.
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Well-Known Member
And they are the same people who use the bible to defend the death penalty. Yep- they believe in a loving god who has banished billions to hell because they were never baptized, while those who may have committed heinous crimes go to heaven because they were 'reborn.'
That religion is just plain crazy if you think about it, which is why they tell you that you need faith. If they could explain the craziness with logic, they wouldn't tell you that you MUST believe and trust them. Trust me, I own that bridge, and will sell it to you for 10% of your earnings.
That's good news about the benefits of being baptized. I was baptized in a river ..... and I damn near drowned. In fact I didn't see the pearly gates. What I saw was this big old brown trout floating down river from somebody's crapper that was dumping into it. And I agree, after hearing so many directly contradicting teachings and more symbolism than you can withstand from organized religion you simply burn out from it.
They are people of faith and people of religion. People of faith can think for themselves. People of religion want somebody to do that for them as can be clearly seen when you talk to one of them they can't think for themselves. Instead all they can do is to repeat what some mind controlling bible thumper with a GED and a preacher's license has pounded into their heads. In addition they are some of the greediest most money grabbing people you will find anywhere due to having to give most if not all of it to their cult leader/ senior management.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people consider forcing boys and girls together in the same locker room pretty radical. Burning down cities all last summer. Telling us we must do this and that to prevent the spread of Covid then opening up borders to people who aren't even tested is pretty radical. AOC's New Green Deal is pretty radical. Wanting to confiscate guns is pretty radical. Pushing for Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood. Wanting to stack SCOTUS. Essentially trying for one party rule with all of that. You're not concerned with democracy. You want complete control. And you'll lie your way into it if that is what it takes.
And by the way- Puerto Rico has more people than 20 states, so statehood is not some crazy idea. And McConnell delayed approving one judge for a year to stack the court, and then rushed another through in two weeks to stack the court, and you call that conservative. Every post of yours has so much crazy in it, it takes multiple replies to cover the craziness. And I bet you 100% support the proposed law requiring that voters pay a notary to be able to vote.


Well-Known Member
And that was a lie that stupid people believed.

That statistic looked at all bankruptcies and counted any bankruptcy where the person had any medical debt. As is usual, Democrats are liars. They have to lie in order to get support for their terrible ideologies.
If someone who had medical debt filed for bankruptcy, by definition, the medical debt was one of the drivers. Bankruptcies have fallen steadily and rather dramatically since 2011, by over half.


Well-Known Member
If someone who had medical debt filed for bankruptcy, by definition, the medical debt was one of the drivers. Bankruptcies have fallen steadily and rather dramatically since 2011, by over half.
Remember "repeal and replace with something better'? The reason John McCain who was the deciding vote voted against repeal was because the "replace" was another Trump lie because there was no replacement along with the fact that his promise of a new national healthcare plan would be unveiled ahead of the election was also a lie. The reason Trump lost was because he ran out of "get out of jail free" cards that he could use to excuse him from his lies.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people consider forcing boys and girls together in the same locker room pretty radical. Burning down cities all last summer. Telling us we must do this and that to prevent the spread of Covid then opening up borders to people who aren't even tested is pretty radical. AOC's New Green Deal is pretty radical. Wanting to confiscate guns is pretty radical. Pushing for Puerto Rico and D.C. statehood. Wanting to stack SCOTUS. Essentially trying for one party rule with all of that. You're not concerned with democracy. You want complete control. And you'll lie your way into it if that is what it takes.
What city “burned down?” If you think Democratic Party is trying to establish one party rule, you must really hate the party that stormed the Capitol Building to overthrow an election and establish a President for life. Oh wait...that’s different because they’re “patriots”, right?


Well-Known Member
What city was burned down?????? If you think that burning a city means burning a couple buildings, you must live in a pretty small city. And comparing asking millions and millions to wear masks to prevent the spread of disease has zero context in the matter of a few hundred ILLEGAL immigrants having covid. They would all be required to wear the same mask in stores, restaurants, etc once here. Your mind is jumbling all this nonsense together, obviously you have trouble separating your thoughts. Burning a few buildings IS NOT burning down multiple cities, and that a few hundred migrants who crossed the border illegally while having covid does NOT eliminate the need for preventing the spread of disease. You may have dementia or something, so if you do, I apologize for thinking you are bats**t crazy.
2 billion in damage is not a few buildings. Thousands injured including several dozen killed is pretty bad. And a few hundred with Covid? Try about 25% of those tested by the city of Brownsville, TX. And that's just one city on the border. You've got people jammed up in overcrowded detention centers. Y'all couldn't get enough of screaming about Trump detaining illegals, and now with even worse conditions you're making excuses. As is so typical with people like you you're just a bunch of hypocrites.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What city “burned down?” If you think Democratic Party is trying to establish one party rule, you must really hate the party that stormed the Capitol Building to overthrow an election and establish a President for life. Oh wait...that’s different because they’re “patriots”, right?
So, you WERE involved! How else would you know what the protestors were trying to accomplish? Conspirator!


Well-Known Member
What city “burned down?” If you think Democratic Party is trying to establish one party rule, you must really hate the party that stormed the Capitol Building to overthrow an election and establish a President for life. Oh wait...that’s different because they’re “patriots”, right?
As if they could overthrow the Federal government and establish a dictatorship. With logic like that why would anyone take you seriously?