Funny Tie, watching Fact Check and yourself, or for that matter Susie, Sloth, TOS, etc. etc. to me is like watching Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggart calling each other the bigger sinner of sexual depravity!
Other then that I think the point was valid that republicans are not fans of programs the key word here being programs.
You know like the republicans calling Clinton an adulter when they themselves were sliding their Oscar Meyer in more than one bun! Or the democrats calling republicans all manner of evil in trying to keep as much money as they can for themselves when the democrats are doing stuff like
this. Honest mistake?
Not hardly. Charlie should consider switching parties to feel more at home if one were to believe democrat
In reference to Clinton I don't think I would have found it understandible if Bill had been getting a little bit on the side. Discreetly away from Washington. After all Hillary is no prize. My problems with Bill were his waving of the presidential sword at any and every female he found attractive whether she wanted to be stabbed or not. My other issue has always been his having his trist in the oval office.
No matter which one of you rules the day, we'll still get larger and larger gov't predicated on some illusional fear you impose on various illusional threats!
Either way, people seeking freedom and liberty lose so tell me once again how
you guys really differ?
I can't speak for Fact or robert or susan or whomever it is this week. In my case I tend to stand behind the candidate that will benifit my perspective the most. I suppose in your case its easier to mock those that tend to take a position.
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