Tie,as a driver I have to deal with customers.Do you know how often I hear,do you have another package for me? ups.com says it should be out for delivery.But alas there is no package in my car.I only care that people get what they paid for.We are a package delivery company. I do agree that scanning is important,but it should not be a deterrant to making commit times.Sorry,I`m old school I guess,but we did just fine with the old rubber stamp and the yellow book for years,maybe even better because we just had to deliver them.What would you rather have,the NDA you ordered for 10:30 in your hands by 10:30,or find out online that your package will be a day late.All the customer wants is thier package.Sure online tracking of packages is fun,but getting what you ordered on time is a lot more important in my eyes.