Exactly. I don't deny that I, per your words, lack motivation to go through the process. I also lack the knowledge as getting ahold of union people in my area is futile, at best...and hoping that they have the integrity and discipline to "do their jobs" is a battle in and of itself.
That, and as I said - it's a question of if the ends are worth the means. OP goes through the process - sups stop doing union work. Then what...fast forward a month or two when the OP realizes he's busting his ass, UPS won't hire more people to cover the additional workload....and realizes he got exactly what he asked for. What then? Let me guess - go through the process again in the hopes that UPS will properly staff the operation?
We went through this process at my center....we now have 7 people on my crew to cover loading 9 doors (I'm a twilight loader that loads outbound trailers in the heaviest "PD" of the building). Our sups used to jump in and help us when we get overwhelmed - and get yelled at for doing so by building management. The same management that won't hire more people, and won't adjust processes so that things run at a steady pace all night. Instead, their philosophy is to unload all the inbounds as quickly as possible, completely overwhelming the system, and then blame outbounds for not "moving fast enough" to get things done. This problem isn't just on my PD - it's building-wide.
Not sure how long you've been here - but, some folks who have been here a while and have fought this battle realize it's just not worth the hassle, considering the battle is a ciclical process that never ends. There's also the mantra "be careful what you wish for, as you may just get it". Add to that, some of us realize it's just easier (right, wrong, or indifferent) to keep your head down, mouth shut, stack the boxes, collect your paycheck, and leave it at that.
I wish the OP luck and hope that he, should he pursue the battle, has different results than what I've seen. Somehow I think this thread will be forgotten about (just like all of the others), and the results of his efforts, should they even take place, never shared. The cycle continues.....