Must be for full timers or day crew only. In our hub, the twilight crew, regardless of position, doesn’t get squat (shirts, gloves, jackets, a beanie, etc). I guess they don’t want employees promoting the brand (Coming into fall / winter, I’d think beanies and gloves would go over well). Although as time goes on, I’m learning that the various crews are treated differently, and even use different pay systems. Found out why I can’t see my time card records via - the time keeping system for the twilight crew is different than the one the day crew uses, and only the daycrew can see their timeclock punches on the website. I wonder what else I’ll learn in the next few weeks / months. “Peak” should be interesting. They are already talking about starting a 1 to 10pm (or whenever the work is done) shift. From what I hear, this is the first year they are doing something like this in our location.
Interestingly a sup told me today they had a “big” meeting yesterday in which they were told not to do anything besides breaking jams. He told me this as he was loading iregs into a trailer. I can’t make this stuff up.