Supreme Court

El Correcto

god is dead
The hidden stuff is still hidden.

Why is the Trump Administration claiming Executive Privilege for Bush Administration documents?

Maybe ‘cause they want certain stuff to stay hidden?

If this situation were reversed, you’d be applauding the underdogs and demanding full transparency.

Get over it, the D’s found at least one of their balls and R’s are crying foul, fn hilarious
Only one I’m seeing crying a foul is the Dems.

Quit ya crying and lay down in the bed you made yourselves.



Well-Known Member
Only one I’m seeing crying a foul is the Dems.

Quit ya crying and lay down in the bed you made yourselves.

View attachment 211188

It’s a bed the Dems made, after the Repub’s washed the sheets for them.

The unprecedented refusal of R’s to even consider Obama’s judicial nominees, culminating in a stolen SC seat, is the story.

Trump brags that he’s confirmed more lower court judges in his first term than any other Prez, and that might be true, but he has only Mumbles to thank.

All those seats are stolen - the R’s wouldn’t even consider doing their Constitutional duty while Obama was Prez. Obama was literally dickless, and let it happen.

Can you imagine Trump letting someone roll him like that?

Me thinks not.

Anyway, the Dems changed the rules for Senate confirmation for lower court justices, but the Repubs changed the rules for SC judges.

All those judges should have asterisks next to their names.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s a bed the Dems made, after the Repub’s washed the sheets for them.

The unprecedented refusal of R’s to even consider Obama’s judicial nominees, culminating in a stolen SC seat, is the story.

Trump brags that he’s confirmed more lower court judges in his first term than any other Prez, and that might be true, but he has only Mumbles to thank.

All those seats are stolen - the R’s wouldn’t even consider doing their Constitutional duty while Obama was Prez. Obama was literally dickless, and let it happen.

Can you imagine Trump letting someone roll him like that?

Me thinks not.

Anyway, the Dems changed the rules for Senate confirmation for lower court justices, but the Repubs changed the rules for SC judges.

All those judges should have asterisks next to their names.
This is the problem with the leftists of today.





Well-Known Member
As long as they do their job, you can put a bulldozer next their name.

So you’d be completely OK if the situation were reversed, and a Dem Legislative branch had completely blocked legitimate judicial nominees, and then packed the courts with D picks?

As long as they do their job, right?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So you’d be completely OK if the situation were reversed, and a Dem Legislative branch had completely blocked legitimate judicial nominees, and then packed the courts with D picks?

As long as they do their job, right?
Yep ... you forget, I don't really care.
The areas where the SCOTUS creates new laws is in the Social arena and I am a Social Liberal.
Want to talk about ABORTION!?


Well-Known Member
Obama - elections have consequences.

Snowflake much?

Yah, I was talking about Obama’s last term...elections have consequences, and Mumbles straight up ignored them. And got away with it.

You don’t mind because Trump gets to fill all those ‘empty’ seats, and you like who he’s putting in, but it’s BS.

Like I said, if the situation were reversed, you’d cry like a red-headed step-child getting slapped by a scary clown.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yah, I was talking about Obama’s last term...elections have consequences, and Mumbles straight up ignored them. And got away with it.

You don’t mind because Trump gets to fill all those ‘empty’ seats, and you like who he’s putting in, but it’s BS.

Like I said, if the situation were reversed, you’d cry like a red-headed step-child getting slapped by a scary clown.
They’ll cry, hopefully the Dems have some stones and hold the same standard. No judicial appointments unless a party holds the White House and the Senate.


Well-Known Member
It’s a bed the Dems made, after the Repub’s washed the sheets for them.

The unprecedented refusal of R’s to even consider Obama’s judicial nominees, culminating in a stolen SC seat, is the story.

Trump brags that he’s confirmed more lower court judges in his first term than any other Prez, and that might be true, but he has only Mumbles to thank.

All those seats are stolen - the R’s wouldn’t even consider doing their Constitutional duty while Obama was Prez. Obama was literally dickless, and let it happen.

Can you imagine Trump letting someone roll him like that?

Me thinks not.

Anyway, the Dems changed the rules for Senate confirmation for lower court justices, but the Repubs changed the rules for SC judges.

All those judges should have asterisks next to their names.

I wonder why Obama didnt use a recess appointment to seat Merrick Garland...and then have the senate have to confirm him after the fact.


Well-Known Member
Yah, I was talking about Obama’s last term...elections have consequences, and Mumbles straight up ignored them. And got away with it.

You don’t mind because Trump gets to fill all those ‘empty’ seats, and you like who he’s putting in, but it’s BS.

Like I said, if the situation were reversed, you’d cry like a red-headed step-child getting slapped by a scary clown.

How can I not like trump. I get 300 bucks a month more back in my paycheck, My 401 K investments are going through the roof. And the judges you mention.

you guys can pretty much impeach him or do whatever you want , Trumps done great for me in barely a year and a half.

you libs will miss trump when the next guy tanks the economy.