Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Looks like someone's got some skeletons in their closet.

Dianne Feinstein Acknowledges Having A Secret Brett Kavanaugh Document
We understand leftist games, release the e-mail with the claims, redact the persons name, investigate the e-mailers complete history, and get on with it. If the guy went to second base with a chick in high school or college tell us. If the guy left a chick to drown in Chappaquiddick, tell us that also. If the guy employed a Chinese spy for 20 years, we certainly need to know that. Just tell the bat:censored2: women to release it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Looks like we got ourselves a rapist...

Sounds like he likes to grab pusillanimous like Drumpf. And this wasn't a simple lifting of the skirt. It was sexual assault and attempted rape.
Y’all fall for anything.
After 2 to 3 Trump catastrophes per week for the last 22 months that never pan out.
Look we know y’all don’t like the guy but it gets silly after awhile.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The only thing silly are people like you who defend this piece of smile*.
If morality was a qualifier to be elected to office and to stay in office, there would be no one in office.
George Washington lied every time he told Martha he loved her.. He banged more babes than JFK.


Well-Known Member
The only thing silly are people like you who defend this piece of smile*.
Oh B.S., this is a last minute desperate attempt to derail his nomination, nothing more. The guy has operated with the highest integrity all these years, has multitudes of liberal law professors recommending him, yet the Left is so worried about a majority conservative court they'll try anything. The FBI is even declining to investigate. What this is, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out today, is an attempt to attach Kavanaugh to the #MeToo movement, thus destroying him. It's so blatantly obvious it's just pathetic. If this is what the Left will stoop to then they deserve a majority conservative court.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Probably will legalize rape, force women to get pregnant, fly the Confederate flag over the court, and reestablish slave trading only this time with mexicans. Oh I forgot take free school lunches from da Kidz.