Supreme Court


nowhere special
Feinstein sat on it for months instead of bringing it up at the proper time during hearings. Last minute delaying tactic when she had nothing else left.


golden ticket member
Kavanaugh is going to testify by phone (in a few mins) on this incident and the Dems said they don't want to participate. They want only lengthy solutions....past the mid-terms would be good for them.


nowhere special
Kavanaugh is going to testify by phone (in a few mins) on this incident and the Dems said they don't want to participate. They want only lengthy solutions....past the mid-terms would be good for them.
Feinstein is refusing to cooperate in an investigation after starting the whole thing.

She never cared about facts or finding answers.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Kavanaugh is going to testify by phone (in a few mins) on this incident and the Dems said they don't want to participate. They want only lengthy solutions....past the mid-terms would be good for them.
I hope the Repugs don't :censored2: out and delay the votes.
This is so obviously a Dim Lib last minute gasp for air.
Push their sorry asses under the water and let it R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
Feinstein sat on it for months instead of bringing it up at the proper time during hearings. Last minute delaying tactic when she had nothing else left.
What do you mean months? The matter was not disclosed until July and that was first to a CA congresswoman .