Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful.

Report: Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh’s Accuser, Passed Polygraph

lie detectors never prove your truthful only that you have lied.


Well-Known Member
libs like to state fantasy as fact and hope no one challenges them on it. Kavanaugh has not lied under oath. if he had it would have been the gift the libs were looking for to derail his candidacy.
Understood, the point was made for others not you. Your post was just a vehicle.


Well-Known Member
Just who are some of these liberal law professors? You want him in there because you think he'll vote to overturn Roe vs Wade. Nothing else matters to you Quite possibly but he might just vote to overturn social program legislation that could result in you having to go back to Bezerkistan permanently just to survive economically . Ever think about that possibility?
Unhinged is they only word for this post.
He's not gonna keep you guys from killing babies, and can't overturn "social program legislation."


Well-Known Member
I too, can provide a list of 65 girls I didn’t try to rape in high school.

Kavanaugh didn’t know 65 girls in high school. He went to a Catholic boy’s school.

If that is your logic, he wasn't even in a room with a girl, much less her. As you said, he went to a Catholic boy's school.

BTW, I thought you were a chick, I apologized to you long ago for using language a man shouldn't to a woman. So what is it, man or woman?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
BTW, I thought you were a chick, I apologized to you long ago for using language a man shouldn't to a woman. So what is it, man or woman?

Doesn't matter. Gender Neutral.
Don't ask , don't tell.
You mean since I have a penis I'm not a woman? Well, I'll show you. I'm going in the woman's bathroom.
Lola..La La La La..Lola.. La La La La..Lola


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It's all just another crock of smilet that any objective, half balanced infidel can see.
Why oh Why would anyone vote for Trump?
It's in front of your face everyday.


Got the T-Shirt

One of the funniest things I've seen at UPS, was this air driver that used to "bust a sag"

in his uniform pants. This old school pkg division manager walked up behind him....

and yanked on his belt trying to pull them up, like he was giving him a wedgie. The kid was

so shocked he didn't even mad. But he kind of looked at me like WTF ?

I kind of smiled at him and said hey dude.... this isn't the street.


Well-Known Member
How about we let the FBI question both Judge Kavanaugh and Dr Christine B. Ford, and then charge and imprison the one the find to be lying?

Works for me.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How about we let the FBI question both Judge Kavanaugh and Dr Christine B. Ford, and then charge and imprison the one the find to be lying?

Works for me.
Trouble is, some mentally ill people believe the lie. Look at the repressed memory cases where some therapist plants an idea.