Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Kavanaugh has had a FBI background check 4 or 5 times in his career where none of this has ever turned up. And that's all they do, a background check. This kind of accusation would be investigated by local police. Now tell me how whoever investigates this can turn up anything at this point when everything at this point has been said about it? She was 15, intoxicated, but can't say when or where this party had occurred. And Kavanaugh has dozens of friends from that time as well as all through his career vouching for his character. So only she is to be believed, and no one else? And why wasn't this brought forth weeks ago, not at the last minute? If she's seeking justice she needs to answer questions under oath now instead of seeking to delay the proceedings.
6 reported.


Well-Known Member
Neither one of us has any idea if its true or not - seems equally silly to me to be 'sure' that it's true as it is to be 'sure' that it's false.

And, for the record, many people do believe her.
Correct many libs want to believe her despite the clear discrepancies in her story and despite her actions and demands which are clearly designed to stall the confirmation.


nowhere special


The Nim
Well considering this would be a state crime at best, the FBI would just pass it on to the Senate for a hearing, which I'm pretty sure they've already invited her to. . .

There's really 3 possibilities here:

1) It didn't happen.

2) It did happen and it speaks to his character and more will come out with accusations.

3) He's been an upstanding citizen and some 30+ years ago as a teenager he made a bad choice and actions that were never brought to the authorities until now.

#1 is a clear confirmation. #2 we'll have a bigger news cycle and should be denial. #3 teenagers are stupid, and aggressive groping isn't a good thing, but he's reformed and been clean for a significant period of time that shows he's not that person anymore. This is a likely confirmation, but it's possible for denial.

The timing of this stinks of political tactics to delay the confirmation vote until either dems are clear of midterm elections or dems potentially take control of the senate after the midterms.

Personal stance, I don't believe it, but if the only dirt that can be brought up is from over 30 years ago when someone was a stupid teenager I don't care. 20 years ago when I was a teenager I can think of situations I and others I knew were involved in that if a cop caught us they'd give us a talking to and threaten to call our parents, but if it happened within the last couple years we'd be arrested for criminal mischief or something greater.


Well-Known Member
Liked the Ted Kennedy post. It happened the day after the moon landing. Regarding this Christine Ford - how come it took her so long in saying anything? Her silence now means to me that she just wanted her "15 minutes of fame" - well you got it - move on. They state he was drunk - no surprise there MOST teenagers get drunk at parties. How long can a person be investigated for a supposed act? Didn't 65 female classmates sign a document stating he was a decent guy? I bet Hillary is behind this - we never did learn why Vince Foster died. This is just a stall tactic with the democrats. I have never seen such grilling of a supreme court nominee than Brett Kavanaugh.


Well-Known Member
interesting isnt it that the dems weaponized the FBI against trump and now want Trump to weaponize them against himself.


Well-Known Member
Well considering this would be a state crime at best, the FBI would just pass it on to the Senate for a hearing, which I'm pretty sure they've already invited her to. . .

There's really 3 possibilities here:

1) It didn't happen.

2) It did happen and it speaks to his character and more will come out with accusations.

3) He's been an upstanding citizen and some 30+ years ago as a teenager he made a bad choice and actions that were never brought to the authorities until now.

#1 is a clear confirmation. #2 we'll have a bigger news cycle and should be denial. #3 teenagers are stupid, and aggressive groping isn't a good thing, but he's reformed and been clean for a significant period of time that shows he's not that person anymore. This is a likely confirmation, but it's possible for denial.

The timing of this stinks of political tactics to delay the confirmation vote until either dems are clear of midterm elections or dems potentially take control of the senate after the midterms.

Personal stance, I don't believe it, but if the only dirt that can be brought up is from over 30 years ago when someone was a stupid teenager I don't care. 20 years ago when I was a teenager I can think of situations I and others I knew were involved in that if a cop caught us they'd give us a talking to and threaten to call our parents, but if it happened within the last couple years we'd be arrested for criminal mischief or something greater.

option 4 may be that it did happen but not with Kavanaugh