Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Take a moment to compare what Orin Hatch had to say regarding FBI involvement during the Thomas SCOTUS confirmation hearings and what he had to say this AM regarding FBI involvement in the Kavanugh confirmation.
I am quite certain that if in this case the nominee was instead a woman nominated by a Democrat president and was accused of sexual misconduct by a man you people would be hollering your heads off demanding a full FBI investigation of the matter and a full hearing on the specific allegation in the hope that the nomination would fail to gain confirmation.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Take a moment to compare what Orin Hatch had to say regarding FBI involvement during the Thomas SCOTUS confirmation hearings and what he had to say this AM regarding FBI involvement in the Kavanugh confirmation.
I am quite certain that if in this case the nominee was instead a woman nominated by a Democrat president and was accused of sexual misconduct by a man you people would be hollering your heads off demanding a full FBI investigation of the matter and a full hearing on the specific allegation in the hope that the nomination would fail to gain confirmation.


Well-Known Member
Take a moment to compare what Orin Hatch had to say regarding FBI involvement during the Thomas SCOTUS confirmation hearings and what he had to say this AM regarding FBI involvement in the Kavanugh confirmation.
I am quite certain that if in this case the nominee was instead a woman nominated by a Democrat president and was accused of sexual misconduct by a man you people would be hollering your heads off demanding a full FBI investigation of the matter and a full hearing on the specific allegation in the hope that the nomination would fail to gain confirmation.

I'm glad you agree that this is all political and could have been done in July.


Well-Known Member
Take a moment to compare what Orin Hatch had to say regarding FBI involvement during the Thomas SCOTUS confirmation hearings and what he had to say this AM regarding FBI involvement in the Kavanugh confirmation.
I am quite certain that if in this case the nominee was instead a woman nominated by a Democrat president and was accused of sexual misconduct by a man you people would be hollering your heads off demanding a full FBI investigation of the matter and a full hearing on the specific allegation in the hope that the nomination would fail to gain confirmation.
No, we would be making poking motions with our fists and slapping him on the back. ttku


Well-Known Member
@BrownArmy , why the need to delay? The clown FrankenFinestein has had this since July. Why her need to hold it? Some understand your sides games. If I was in charge, a vote would be held Thursday, let the chips fall where they may.


Well-Known Member
The FBI performs the background check, it’s clearly in their wheelhouse if the whitehouse were to request a follow up. This isn’t hard to understand.
Just precious, very tasty, delicious.
There have been six background checks, deaf ears is where your appeal to the president falls. Ask the Great High Barry to step in. Better yet, dig up Teddy "The Lion of the Senate," Kennedy to plead your case. I'm sure the old stiff has one more Borking left in him.


nowhere special
Now Ford's lawyer is saying she will testify. But not on Monday. Just another delaying tactic. Which was what its really all about.
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