Supreme Court

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
the alleged victim is democratic plant trying to stall the nomination , she knows she wont get an FBI investigation. its all drama, nonsense and histrionics to feed desperate snowflakes.

raw meat for the liberal base. Looks like you're loading up your plate.
These lying sacks of :poop: are so messed up in their emotional angst, they can't even process information.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You don’t think a SCOTUS nominee is a “federal thing?” There’s a lot of admission going on here from the right.
Damn you are just plain :censored2:ing ignorant ... you had it explained to you and you still can't process it!


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Kavanaugh could be revealed to be a serial killer, and Republicans would still push the confirmation through.
I don't believe that and neither do you.
If it was revealed, meaning there was proof, then Kavanaugh would not be seated.
If some dimwit female claims she was attacked 36 years ago but she can't remember where and keeps changing her story ... then Kavanaugh will be seated.

Nobody really believes the silly girl's memory that she repressed for 30 years and all of a sudden when a SCOTUS judge was about to be seated, she finds God and a vision. Silly :poop:!
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Well-Known Member
I don't believe that and neither do you.
If it was revealed meaning there was proof then Kavanaugh would not be seated.
If some dimwit female claims she was attacked 36 years ago but she can't remember where and keeps changing her story ... then Kavanaugh will be seated.

Nobody really believes the silly girls memory that she repressed for 30 years and all of a sudden when a SCOTUS judge was about to be seated, she finds God and a vision. Silly :poop:!

Neither one of us has any idea if its true or not - seems equally silly to me to be 'sure' that it's true as it is to be 'sure' that it's false.

And, for the record, many people do believe her.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The FBI performs the background check, it’s clearly in their wheelhouse if the whitehouse were to request a follow up. This isn’t hard to understand.
Oh yeah, the FBI snaps to when Trumps requests something.
They have already said they have no jurisdiction ... the FBI said it would have to be
investigated by the State of Maryland as they have no jurisdiction.

El Correcto

god is dead
Neither one of us has any idea if its true or not - seems equally silly to me to be 'sure' that it's true as it is to be 'sure' that it's false.

And, for the record, many people do believe her.
“Hey hey, we can’t be jumping to conclusions. Ignore the fact this was a last minute accusation handled very poorly, ignore the fact there isn’t a solid date, place, the accusers tried to stay anonymous and the contradictions made by the accuser. Just look at all the other accusers.... oh wait never mind. But we should totally follow this up with a 2 year FBI investigation while democrats try to take congress and refuse to approve any judicial nominees until 2020. Oh and for the record lots of leftist have already jumped to the conclusion he is guilty even though evidence and circumstance is pointing to not guilty.”

I rate this ladies claim as,


Your liberaltarian brain just is stuck on stupid with this issue.


Well-Known Member
You don’t think a SCOTUS nominee is a “federal thing?” There’s a lot of admission going on here from the right. You guys say things like “little frisky” and “high school make out session” as if that excuses attempted rape. You apparently admit it happened and brush it off because rape is cool to you? The moral rot is to the core of the Republican Party.
Kavanaugh has had a FBI background check 4 or 5 times in his career where none of this has ever turned up. And that's all they do, a background check. This kind of accusation would be investigated by local police. Now tell me how whoever investigates this can turn up anything at this point when everything at this point has been said about it? She was 15, intoxicated, but can't say when or where this party had occurred. And Kavanaugh has dozens of friends from that time as well as all through his career vouching for his character. So only she is to be believed, and no one else? And why wasn't this brought forth weeks ago, not at the last minute? If she's seeking justice she needs to answer questions under oath now instead of seeking to delay the proceedings.