Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Rarely has society’s tendency to sympathize with powerful men been so thoroughly on display...

"Brett Kavanaugh is a “great gentleman,” President Trump said at a White House news conference last week. “I feel so badly for him. This is not a man who deserves this.” At no point on that occasion did Mr. Trump say the name of the woman, Christine Blasey Ford, who had accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual assault. After further allegations about Judge Kavanaugh’s behavior were reported on Sunday night, Mr. Trump doubled down: What was going on was “most unfair” to Judge Kavanaugh, who is “an outstanding person.”

When it comes to the moral deficiencies exhibited by Mr. Trump and other supporters of the judge, many critics speak about lack of empathy as the problem. It isn’t. Mr. Trump, as he has shown clearly in the Kavanaugh confirmation process, seems to have no difficulty taking another person’s perspective, and then feeling and expressing a sympathetic or congruent moral emotion.

The real problem is that the people Mr. Trump feels with and for are most frequently powerful men who have been credibly accused of serious crimes and wrongdoing. He felt sorry for Michael Flynn, referring to him as a “good guy.” More recently, he felt bad for Paul Manafort. And, in the case of Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Trump feels sorry for a man accused of sexual assault while erasing and dismissing the perspective of his female accusers...

Fluff alibi to defend this hail mary lacking evidence attack.


Well-Known Member
Why revisiting the political scandals of the 1990s should temper partisanship today...

...'If you are a partisan, an activist, a politics obsessive, any certainty you feel about Brett Kavanaugh right now is probably too strong. And any mystification or bafflement or anger that you feel about someone else’s certainty — how it simply must be cynical, manufactured, malign — should be tempered by a recognition that your own certainty might have to be revised 20 years from now, that how you read the evidence in the heat of a polarized moment might not be the only way to read it, and that not every historical controversy or scandal gets settled cleanly or wrapped up in a neat moralistic bow...'

anything that happened in the 90's does not negate your right to innocent until proven guilty. you're running around in left field somewhere completely away from the issues.


golden ticket member
Dr. Ford is a sick, sick woman. She has all kinds of degrees and credentials, but she comes off as a weak thing. She needs to talk to a therapist, not teach college students. Where did this happen? When did this happen? Nobody knows.


nowhere special
Dr. Ford is a sick, sick woman. She has all kinds of degrees and credentials, but she comes off as a weak thing. She needs to talk to a therapist, not teach college students. Where did this happen? When did this happen? Nobody knows.
Once she had to speak in her own words and instead of her written prepared statement she fell apart. The Dems kept trying to make excuses for her inconsistencies as being a result of past trauma.


One of them
What is wrong with our society that these are the conclusions we draw about people due to our partisan positions. Nobody knows what happened other than those involved. The left, or right will tell you exactly what happened based on their party. It’s sick. Our country is sick. If you believe this woman is lying, or fabricating this whole thing for politics we are lost. Are the democrats using it for political advantage. Most likely. Why are people attacking the “victim”?


Strength through joy
And this year's winner for The Academy Awards for portraying a 15 year old girl on National Television goes to Dr. Blasey Ford.

How this Scholar was able to achieve this remarkable feat has left the entire Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences members speechless.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Predictably Booker makes a big whining speech then walks out in protest.

Acts like someone took away his binky.
Spartacus, Starbuckus, Backupus aka Cory Booker
is spending his time today asking for forgiveness for disclosing "confidential" memos/e-mails.
'Please don't punish me by voting me off the Judiciary Committee'.
"This is a life time dream of mine to be on this committee!"

Exit stage right!

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Well-Known Member
Did you forget the 90’s?
Tax cuts are a sugar high. Treasury issuing warnings about the huge increased borrowing . Fed raising rates. Trade war but China hitting back hard. Federal Flood Insurance program struggling to find cash. The buildup of a lot of small things will in the end drag down the economy. Happens every time and the hardest hit are always overextended consumers who believed that the good times would never end.