Supreme Court

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Highly doubt it. Liberals were willing to slander a good man to protect Roe vs. Wade and as was pointed out in the very good book "Freakonomics" a big reason that Republicans, conservatives have been much more competitive in politics in recent years is because since Roe vs Wade the majority of abortions have occurred in liberal households. Thus your side aborted it's way out of voters.

I fully support the right of every USA citizen female to have an abortion.
The way I look at it is 98 out of every 100 abortions eliminates 98% of potential future DemWit LibTurds.
That's why I fully support abortions for the lower classes, who commit the vast majority of violent crimes in the USA.

Abortion and Crime
The controversial theory linking Roe v. Wade to a massive crime drop is back in the spotlight as several states introduce abortion restrictions.

Democrats support and encourage the abortion of Black babies.


From 1991 to 2001, violent crime in the U.S. fell more than 30 percent, a decline not seen since the end of Prohibition.

LEVITT: I was spending most of my waking hours trying to figure out this puzzle about why was it that crime, after rising for 30 years from 1960-1990, had suddenly reversed?
LEVITT: I had looked into all of the usual suspects. Policing and imprisonment. The crack epidemic. But really you could not and you cannot effectively explain the patterns of crime looking at the kinds of components that people typically talk about when they try to understand why crime goes up and down.

Levitt eventually wrote a paper called “Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors That Explain the Decline and Six That Do Not.”
The six factors that, according to his analysis, did not contribute to the crime drop:
a strengthening economy;
the aging of the population;
innovative policing strategies;
gun-control laws;
right-to-carry laws; and
the increased use of capital punishment.

Then there were the factors he found did contribute:
the increase in the number of police;
an increase in the number of criminals imprisoned; and
the decline of the crack-cocaine trade, which had been unusually violent.

But these three factors could explain only a portion of the massive drop in crime — perhaps only half. It was as if there were some mysterious force that all the politicians and criminologists and journalists weren’t thinking about at all.

LEVITT: I had the idea that maybe legalized abortion in the 1970s might possibly have affected crime in the 1990s.
One day, paging through the Statistical Abstract of the United States, which is the kind of thing that economists like Levitt do for fun, he saw a number that shocked him:
LEVITT: At the peak of U.S. abortion, there were 1.5 million abortions every year.
That was compared to roughly 4 million live births. The sheer magnitude of abortions surprised Levitt. And he wondered what sort of secondary effects it might have.
He wondered, for instance, if it might somehow be connected to the huge drop in crime.


Well-Known Member

I fully support the right of every USA citizen female to have an abortion.
The way I look at it is 98 out of every 100 abortions eliminates 98% of potential future DemWit LibTurds.
That's why I fully support abortions for the lower classes, who commit the vast majority of violent crimes in the USA.

Abortion and Crime
The controversial theory linking Roe v. Wade to a massive crime drop is back in the spotlight as several states introduce abortion restrictions.

Democrats support and encourage the abortion of Black babies.


From 1991 to 2001, violent crime in the U.S. fell more than 30 percent, a decline not seen since the end of Prohibition.

LEVITT: I was spending most of my waking hours trying to figure out this puzzle about why was it that crime, after rising for 30 years from 1960-1990, had suddenly reversed?
LEVITT: I had looked into all of the usual suspects. Policing and imprisonment. The crack epidemic. But really you could not and you cannot effectively explain the patterns of crime looking at the kinds of components that people typically talk about when they try to understand why crime goes up and down.

Levitt eventually wrote a paper called “Understanding Why Crime Fell in the 1990s: Four Factors That Explain the Decline and Six That Do Not.”
The six factors that, according to his analysis, did not contribute to the crime drop:
a strengthening economy;
the aging of the population;
innovative policing strategies;
gun-control laws;
right-to-carry laws; and
the increased use of capital punishment.

Then there were the factors he found did contribute:
the increase in the number of police;
an increase in the number of criminals imprisoned; and
the decline of the crack-cocaine trade, which had been unusually violent.

But these three factors could explain only a portion of the massive drop in crime — perhaps only half. It was as if there were some mysterious force that all the politicians and criminologists and journalists weren’t thinking about at all.

One day, paging through the Statistical Abstract of the United States, which is the kind of thing that economists like Levitt do for fun, he saw a number that shocked him:

That was compared to roughly 4 million live births. The sheer magnitude of abortions surprised Levitt. And he wondered what sort of secondary effects it might have.
He wondered, for instance, if it might somehow be connected to the huge drop in crime.
I'll concede that blacks tend to abort at a higher rate than any other group, that they are mostly poor blacks in neighborhoods that have high crime rates. Due to the abortion rate Black population growth has been fairly stagnant. And overall there's been much more integration into the greater society, allowing many black families to move into safer neighborhoods. And a lot more intermarriage. All that being said the killing of innocent children to allow continued sexual activity with an escape valve to avoid responsibility is the most pathetic attribute of our society. We can find better ways to deal with crime. Thought when HIV was raging people would be more responsible. Was wrong.


Well-Known Member
So far, ABORTION of lower class Blacks is the best long term method to reduce violent crime.

I think everyone would be interested in a 'better way'.
Obviously from recent riots there is no longer the political will to incarcerate felons of any race for lengthy periods unless the crime is of a heinous nature. Even then. Every time someone does something especially bad it's often learned that they got released for things that should have kept them in much longer. Liberal judges are a big part of the problem.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
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In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
His response is dependent on what Republicans do. If republicans continue to pack the court by stealing seats, he’ll have to respond in a way to give the court legitimacy again. Mitch has done terrible harm to the legitimacy of the judicial branch.

You are delusional...Again how are the republicans stealing seats...

The three vacancies on the Supreme Court during Trump's first term has "planned parenthood" worried about their business of butchering babies for parts. Shelling out big money on the Biden/Harris ticket....

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You are delusional...Again how are the republicans stealing seats...

The three vacancies on the Supreme Court during Trump's first term has "planned parenthood" worried about their business of butchering babies for parts. Shelling out big money on the Biden/Harris ticket....
It’s as if you are incapable of making a point without a personal attack.

Mitch stole the seat in 2016. By ignoring his own precedent with this one he’s laying bare the partisan nature of the courts. That takes away the public trust in the institution. Biden has to remake the court appointment process to regain that trust.

Mitch knows the public doesn’t want conservative policy. That’s why he doesn’t pass laws and has resorted to stacking the judiciary so his picks can legislate from the bench for life.


Well-Known Member
His response is dependent on what Republicans do. If republicans continue to pack the court by stealing seats, he’ll have to respond in a way to give the court legitimacy again. Mitch has done terrible harm to the legitimacy of the judicial branch.

he didnt say that. you're manfucturing. we should have a debate where every candidate says I'll tell you after I am elected for their answer.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
It’s as if you are incapable of making a point without a personal attack.

Mitch stole the seat in 2016. By ignoring his own precedent with this one he’s laying bare the partisan nature of the courts. That takes away the public trust in the institution. Biden has to remake the court appointment process to regain that trust.

Mitch knows the public doesn’t want conservative policy. That’s why he doesn’t pass laws and has resorted to stacking the judiciary so his picks can legislate from the bench for life.

"Me Like (Personal Attacks)"....There you go again, showing your sensitive side...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You have to vote for Biden before you will know.

Sounds a bit familiar.
If Biden wins in a landslide and carries 8 senate seats with him and Mitch follows up by confirming a Justice in the lame duck in clear defiance of the will of the voters, should Biden just accept that? Would that be good for our democracy?


Well-Known Member
SCOTUS to an ever increasing extent is becoming less of an impartial judicial body and more of a political body becoming very similar to the other two branches of government.

It's important to note that the challenges to abortion law and the ACA was filed at a time when it looked like the GOP had a lockdown hold on power that would last for years if not decades. Well, how a seemingly minor virus can explode into a global pandemic killing over 210,000 here in the U.S alone now threatens that hold on power.

I bet there are people right now who wish they had held off challenging those laws until they first had a better idea as to what kind of damage it could do to the GOP in the aftermath of COVID and the election.

Who knows? Politically speaking they might be able to take the licking and keep on ticking or as Ted Cruz and others are warning it could be the worst rectum (AS) kicking the GOP has had since the post Watergate thumping.


Well-Known Member
Being that you stand publicly accused of being a UPS manager you if anyone should know the that today's economy is a global economy. Remember your company's slogan.....' Delivering the world on time" ...or some similar reference to the global economy.

Shipping packages I'm good with shipping jobs i am not . any other nonsense you wish to serve up?