Agreed. I was in the military and have experience with TS information. I was told this when I first got "read in" after obtaining my "above Top Secret" clearance..... "Information that is Top Secret is usually classified as such because simply revealing it could, or definitely would, also reveal the method in which it was obtained. That method could be anything from highly sophisticated technology to a single person that's able to assist in gathering info by whatever means necessary. Letting our enemy find out that we can see that an asset has been moved would also help let them know how we know. They would suspect how someone is watching and find them."
This is exactly why evidence of Saddam Hussein's WMDs was never shared with the general public and most of the military and the civilian arm of DOD.
You actually believe this crap? This one idiots opinion based upon nothing?
I still believe that we should not be the police man of the world.
I also agree with some of wkmacs points --in particular ---have not seen the evidence--just "do the right thing"
Why would the Syrian Government -gas its own people --when for months has been winning the civil war and taking it to the rebels ?
Why risk brining the U.S. into it ?? Assad had nothing to gain !!
Something is just not right --unless Syria, Iran , China and Putin have a grand plan ---to be enacted -when they see America at its weakest and its Leadership in total disarray. McCain was even caught playing "video poker" during the "very serious" hearing ????![]()
Agreed. I was in the military and have experience with TS information. I was told this when I first got "read in" after obtaining my "above Top Secret" clearance..... "Information that is Top Secret is usually classified as such because simply revealing it could, or definitely would, also reveal the method in which it was obtained. That method could be anything from highly sophisticated technology to a single person that's able to assist in gathering info by whatever means necessary. Letting our enemy find out that we can see that an asset has been moved would also help let them know how we know. They would suspect how someone is watching and find them."
This is exactly why evidence of Saddam Hussein's WMDs was never shared with the general public and most of the military and the civilian arm of DOD.
Yeah and sometimes those top secret plans get out, are exposed to the light of day which give cause why one should step way back to question the narrative being told.
You actually believe this crap? This one idiots opinion based upon nothing?
As opposed to the crap and idiots who run this country? Keep going TOS as before long you'll come to agree with the Bush rational for invading Iraq. You're basically there now. Another reason this all has a bad smell too it.
There's reason to believe Obama is doing the same thing, all for the same agenda and serving the same benefactors too.
Your reply addressed none of the points made in the piece unless the ad hominems count. Telling me Kerry has evidence I can't see is not evidence, it's argumentum ad verecundiam and then I'm to accept an authority that is a known liar. How is hard evidence of a chemical attack that top secret? Why is everything now always Top Secret? If I'm told I have nothing to fear if I have nothing to hide then why does the same rule not apply to the State itself?
I've said Obama is no different from Bush and this IMO proves it when Obama has you in effect defending the same rational used to invade Iraq. Before this is over, I'd not be surprised you will find cause with your infamous C-9. Give it a week or so of republican spin praising the President's Syrian plan and even Moreluck will post something positive about Obama!
I still believe that we should not be the police man of the world.
I also agree with some of wkmacs points --in particular ---have not seen the evidence--just "do the right thing"
Why would the Syrian Government -gas its own people --when for months has been winning the civil war and taking it to the rebels ?
Why risk brining the U.S. into it ?? Assad had nothing to gain !!
Something is just not right --unless Syria, Iran , China and Putin have a grand plan ---to be enacted -when they see America at its weakest and its Leadership in total disarray. McCain was even caught playing "video poker" during the "very serious" hearing ????![]()
McCain and even Graham want this because Raytheon, our Tomahawk makers, are a big deal in Arizona and have a nice presence in North Charleston SC as well. Follow the money as they say.
Invest in Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Gumman, General Atomics, and General Dynamics. These companies are the only ones who are gonna benefit from this whole charade.If we are going to bomb Syria because they killed children with poison gas, what should we do to Washington DC as they've killed 178 kids with drones?
If we are going to bomb Syria because they killed children with poison gas, what should we do to Washington DC as they've killed 178 kids with drones?
Abby Martin spanking that Washington Ass!
Syria War Propagandists Debunked | Weapons of Mass Distraction - YouTube
Can anyone please explain what is the end game in this conflict ?
Honestly just what are the USA's interests ?