

Strength through joy
Another fine example was that tall tale that some unknown video movie trailer sparked world wide riots .

What ever this administration says is true can only mean the opposite is the real truth .


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That coalition worked so well in Iraq. How's that nation building going for ya?


It does not surprise me that TOS "likes" your less than Brilliant post.

It is exactly the operating mode of TOS --when the obviousl failings of Obama is pointed out --He goes back to Bush.

This is either him or you are just a drive by poster. All of the regulars on BC for many years --know my very clear position on "Nation Building"

I have always had the position to bring ALL troops home --Japan , Germany --etc etc. Build a strong missle defense and homeland security dept --including secure borders, Our "boots on the ground" would be at home handling such things as hurricanes and other national disasters.

Take part in the Global economy but make it very clear --we are not the police of the world --kill each other off -I could care less. If there was a real and credible threat --all our new technology weapons would be more than enough.
The regular posters will get tired of reading this --troll or drive by ?? How does that work for ya !!:happy-very:


Für Meno :)

It does not surprise me that TOS "likes" your less than Brilliant post.

It is exactly the operating mode of TOS --when the obviousl failings of Obama is pointed out --He goes back to Bush.

This is either him or you are just a drive by poster. All of the regulars on BC for many years --know my very clear position on "Nation Building"

I have always had the position to bring ALL troops home --Japan , Germany --etc etc. Build a strong missle defense and homeland security dept --including secure borders, Our "boots on the ground" would be at home handling such things as hurricanes and other national disasters.

Take part in the Global economy but make it very clear --we are not the police of the world --kill each other off -I could care less. If there was a real and credible threat --all our new technology weapons would be more than enough.
The regular posters will get tired of reading this --troll or drive by ?? How does that work for ya !!:happy-very:

Just as you stood by for 5 years or longer as Hitler rounded up the jews and gassed them.
The US even stood bt as the Germans took over Poland, the Benelux countries and France.
Watched as the Germans bombed England, too.
Good thing the Japs finally bombed Pearl Harbour, or you would have just continued watching.
Claiming yoiu won wwII, is annoying though - mostly for all those Europeans you seen just watching them all suffer.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You actually believe this crap? This one idiots opinion based upon nothing?

Today, at the senate hearings, Kerry and others told the committee about TOP SECRET evidence that cannot be released to the public and the committee agrees that proves Assaad was responsible.

The UN does not have the capability for surveillance as the USA does. They can only do preliminary investigations and do not have the ability to assign blame or designate where the attacks came from.

The USA on the other hand does.

Just because your monkey who wrote the article hasnt seen the classified evidence doesnt mean anyone is making anything up.

Syria is a no win situation for the USA. No matter what is done, nothing will be good for us in the long run.

There is nothing to manufacture here. Syria is a crap hole and three countries are about to make it worse for everyone including us.



Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

You actually believe this crap? This one idiots opinion based upon nothing?

Today, at the senate hearings, Kerry and others told the committee about TOP SECRET evidence that cannot be released to the public and the committee agrees that proves Assaad was responsible.

The UN does not have the capability for surveillance as the USA does. They can only do preliminary investigations and do not have the ability to assign blame or designate where the attacks came from.

The USA on the other hand does.

Just because your monkey who wrote the article hasnt seen the classified evidence doesnt mean anyone is making anything up.

Syria is a no win situation for the USA. No matter what is done, nothing will be good for us in the long run.

There is nothing to manufacture here. Syria is a crap hole and three countries are about to make it worse for everyone including us.



Agreed. I was in the military and have experience with TS information. I was told this when I first got "read in" after obtaining my "above Top Secret" clearance..... "Information that is Top Secret is usually classified as such because simply revealing it could, or definitely would, also reveal the method in which it was obtained. That method could be anything from highly sophisticated technology to a single person that's able to assist in gathering info by whatever means necessary. Letting our enemy find out that we can see that an asset has been moved would also help let them know how we know. They would suspect how someone is watching and find them."

This is exactly why evidence of Saddam Hussein's WMDs was never shared with the general public and most of the military and the civilian arm of DOD.


Inordinately Right
This is exactly why evidence of Saddam Hussein's WMDs was never shared with the general public and most of the military and the civilian arm of DOD.
Ya we certainly have an interest in hiding our responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

"According to the Washington Post, a Senate committee investigating the relationship between the US and Iraq discovered that in the mid-1980s - following the Rumsfeld visit - dozens of biological agents were shipped to Iraq under licence from the Commerce Department.
They included anthrax, subsequently identified by the Pentagon as a key component of the Iraqi biological warfare programme.
The newspaper says: 'The Commerce Department also approved the export of insecticides to Iraq, despite widespread suspicions that they were being used for chemical warfare."
Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons' | Mail Online

Fast Forward:
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, now director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, told reporters that U.S. surveillance satellites captured images of vehicle traffic dispersing WMD materiel to urban locations in Iraq and moving large quantities into Syria as well.
Saddam's WMD went to Syria... — The Patriot Post


Strength through joy
The Persian Gulf: A graveyard for carriers
conducted by the Joint Forces Command in 2002, at a cost $250 million, which involved aircraft, ships, and 15,000 personnel.
There has not been a similar exercise since then, and shrinking defense budgets make it unlikely there will ever be another.
Still, the lessons learned are unchanged and valuable.

In Millennium Challenge a Blue Team fleet entered the Gulf opposed by a Red Team led by retired Marine Lieutenant General Paul van Riper, with forces simulating those of Iran. When the Blue Team armada appeared, van Riper attacked with cruise missiles and swarms of small boats. It was over in minutes. Blue Team lost 16 major combatants, and Red Team proved the vulnerability of warships in reach of shore-based weapons. The Gulf became a graveyard for carriers.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Nobody wants another war in the middle east. The first thing that will happen is the Russians and the Iranians will shut down all the oil shipping lanes causing oil to spike on the world markets to over 200 bucks a barrel. That in turn will destroy the US economy again and limit our ability to wage war.

The Russians have moved 4 warships into the meditterean ocean joining up with Iranian war ships. This move is another calculation that has to be considered by the USA before it strikes Syria.

Liberals know that there will be serious consequences for launching even a limited strike against Syria, and this could escalate to a larger confrontation with Russia.

Russia pumps its own oil, and because of the high prices of crude since BUSH ran them up to over 150 a barrel, the Russians are now capable of fighting another war, whereas, before BUSH, they couldnt afford to pay attention.

Striking Syria will have no results unless the Russians and Iranians agree to stay out of it. Sure, we can take out alot of syrian equiptment, but it wont change the dynamic of the syrian conflict unless the other superpowers in the region stay out of it.

Liberals know that this is a NO WIN situation for the USA, and in no way do liberals want a larger escalation of military involvement.

To make that kind of statement WKMC is just plain silly.




golden ticket member
Maybe the pres. will attack Syria on Sept. 21.........that's the International Day of Peace..........that would be great timing!!!