

golden ticket member


golden ticket member
O is in the "damned if you do or damned if you don't" state.
He says if there's to be an attack, it's not time sensitive.
If Sasha & Malia were seizing because of poisonous gas, it would definitely be time sensitive then. But for others, not so much. He's a staller not a baller.


Strength through joy
Maybe after hearing about all the human shields being placed around his possible military strike sites , he had a change of heart since he would openly be killing the very people he supports .


Well-Known Member
The U.S. looks pretty silly right now. That's all that needs to be said.

And I think that is a good thing too!

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American Totally Discredited. I'd like to think Congress would say no forcing Obama out onto his own limb but they won't. America as superpower may finally be at it's tipping point and the sooner the sun sets on Cecil Rhodes vision of an Anglo-American global domination, the better we all will be for it.

Continuing: Obama sez he doesn't need Congressional approval (see video below) and he is right. Both the democrats and republicans (politicians and voters) have built the unitary executive to where Obama can rightly claim this and have grounds and standing to support it. When Bush was doing his own Unitary actions with blind, blanket support by many here including the above quoted poster, I warned a day would come when someone else would be in power and then you might not like the manner to which they used set precedence. Seems more and more with war, spying and other domestic over reach that the day may finally be arriving. Welcome to the nightmare you help create or to quote one of the voices of your cause, "You're a great American!"

Chris Hedges on Obama Decision to Attack Syria and "Give Congress a Voice" - YouTube


Staff member
I think Obama actually made the right decision. Bombing would be a pointless, stupid, and expensive move that would basically do nothing. Throwing it to Congress is a shrewd political move to let them start back biting each other. It doesn't matter how they vote, he won't be bound by their decision. In questions of war, we really need to get back to the Powell Doctrine.


golden ticket member
What we really need is a pres. who has actually had military experience . Like knowing not to tell the enemy the time & place & severity of an oncoming attack......geez, what a dork.


Well-Known Member
What we really need is a pres. who has actually had military experience . Like knowing not to tell the enemy the time & place & severity of an oncoming attack......geez, what a dork.

So any President who has no military experience is incapable of holding the office of President? Interesting list of past Presidents would be eliminated according to your rule. Considering the horrible shape this nation has come to find itself, mostly under the leadership of Presidents with military service, I'd argue we have reason to go in the opposite direction in the future.

With an all volunteer military, better get use to it.


golden ticket member
So any President who has no military experience is incapable of holding the office of President? Interesting list of past Presidents would be eliminated according to your rule. Considering the horrible shape this nation has come to find itself, mostly under the leadership of Presidents with military service, I'd argue we have reason to go in the opposite direction in the future.

With an all volunteer military, better get use to it.

Which one of those tells the enemy his plans?? That's the blabbermouths !!


golden ticket member
What plans did Obama tell the enemy? And who exactly is the enemy in your mind?

Obama comes right out and says attacks will be limited and narrow and where it will be and what time of day and what day....
it's what he does.

The enemy is whoever we are fighting with at the time......Germans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, we've had many enemies........


Inordinately Right
Obama comes right out and says attacks will be limited and narrow and where it will be and what time of day and what day....
it's what he does.
Source? I'd love to know what day and what time we're attacking Syria.

Obama has not told the enemy our plans. He gave an ultimatum, which is no doubt bad foreign policy, but he is far from the first President to do it. Three cheers for the status quo.
Bush Gives Saddam Hussein 48 Hours to Leave Iraq
I even have a Fox News article in case you don't believe me: Bush to Offer Ultimatum to Saddam in Address to Nation

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Inordinately Right
The enemy is whoever we are fighting with at the time......Germans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, we've had many enemies........
Thank you for proving my point.... You have no idea who the "enemy" is.
The declassified version of the U.S. intelligence assessment that was made public Aug. 30 still leaves some questions unanswered, including whether Assad himself or some lower-ranking official ordered the chemical attack and why they did so when the regime was regaining the upper hand.
The assessment also differs from a report by the U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Organisation made public Aug. 29 that found “limited” evidence linking the attack to the Assad regime and “at least 350 casualties,” a quarter of the American death-toll estimate.


Well-Known Member
The Obama administration has selectively used intelligence to justify military strikes on Syria, former military officers with access to the original intelligence reports say, in a manner that goes far beyond what critics charged the Bush administration of doing in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war.
According to these officers, who served in top positions in the United States, Britain, France, Israel, and Jordan, a Syrian military communication intercepted by Israel’s famed Unit 8200 electronic intelligence outfit has been doctored so that it leads a reader to just the opposite conclusion reached by the original report.
The doctored report was leaked to a private Internet-based newsletter that boasts of close ties to the Israeli intelligence community, and led to news reports that the United States now had firm evidence showing that the Syrian government had ordered the chemical weapons attack on August 21 against a rebel-controlled suburb of Damascus.