Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?
Failure to regurgitate acronyms is not a terminable offense. Nowhere in the contract does it state that memorization of the 10-point commentary is a condition of employment.
What I find troubling is when I first began working for UPS a ketter audit consisted of a simple 10 questions of which the answers were obvious. It seems over time the amount of material has been growing ever since. Some of it for me has been going from being a hub worker to a driver, but it is becoming an obscene amount of material. If it weren't for my good memory I would probably not know it all that well because to be honest I'm not spending my free time outside of work memorizing material for work. If they aren't willing to let me memorize it on the clock then I'm not going to try memorizing it at all.
Exactly! UPS is using Keter to fire drivers. Keter was brought in to make certain that UPS gave us a safe work place, now the company is using THEM to get employees!
Hey Tie, didnt UPS get Keter after failing all the audits in Kansas and OSHA fined the crap out of us? More 3 rd party deniability!
IMHO----Keter has gotten too big for their britches!