Tattoo Discrimination


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You should have been. He hit the nail on the head. Better to be a "smart one" than to have stupid :censored2: like "stay real" on your hands that prevents you from advancing your career.
I believe it does, and provides insight into your decision making. Getting them before working here is one thing, but getting them afterward when you knew the policy, is different.

"The policy" is that visible tattoos must be covered.

He assumed, and rightfully so, that he would be allowed to cover them just like thousands of other drivers do every day.

As union members, should we collectively be OK with the company singling out one member for unfair and discriminatory treatment just because we might have personal biases towards his appearance?


Well-Known Member
"The policy" is that visible tattoos must be covered.

He assumed, and rightfully so, that he would be allowed to cover them just like thousands of other drivers do every day.

As union members, should we collectively be OK with the company singling out one member for unfair and discriminatory treatment just because we might have personal biases towards his appearance?
I don't think he should be singled out, and I don't think they could totally be covered all day. Are you trying to tell me that with gloves on and long sleeves, that at no time does any of your arm show? I think it does unless your sleeves are too long, and looks too big. JMO


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't think he should be singled out, and I don't think they could totally be covered all day. Are you trying to tell me that with gloves on and long sleeves, that at no time does any of your arm show? I think it does unless your sleeves are too long, and looks too big. JMO
We have several drivers with tats on their calves or forearms who cover them with flesh-colored elastic sleeves so that they can wear shorts and short sleeved shirts in summer.

If the OP is able to show that he can cover his tats, what right does the company have to treat him differently from everybody else?


nowhere special
I think there must be other reasons in this situation and the OP is blaming it all on tattoos. He does seem to have a bit of an attitude and might have other issues.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
My doctor wears her nose ring...doesn't bother me none, it doesn't take away from her ability to know what she's doing

Your analogy is invalid. We're not talking about your doctor, or what you deem acceptable. UPS disagrees with you. I don't care if your dentist is a one legged midget with an orange beard that you like poking around your bicuspids that you find delightful. It has zero bearing on this topic.
Your analogy is invalid. We're not talking about your doctor, or what you deem acceptable. UPS disagrees with you. I don't care if your dentist is a one legged midget with an orange beard that you like poking around your bicuspids that you find delightful. It has zero bearing on this topic.
You are a winner because you just made me laugh and I needed it bad.

Johnny Paycheck

Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Your analogy is invalid. We're not talking about your doctor, or what you deem acceptable. UPS disagrees with you. I don't care if your dentist is a one legged midget with an orange beard that you like poking around your bicuspids that you find delightful. It has zero bearing on this topic.
But no, Marne. The thing is that things shouldn't be that way. What matters is the character of your soul, not the ink on your skin. It's the 21st century, why do we still judge people based on appearance? It just isn't fair!


Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
But no, Marne. The thing is that things shouldn't be that way. What matters is the character of your soul, not the ink on your skin. It's the 21st century, why do we still judge people based on appearance? It just isn't fair!


Totally agree, but Society is full of Neanderthals. It's not what you or I think. It's what UPS thinks their image should be, and that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
Your analogy is invalid. We're not talking about your doctor, or what you deem acceptable. UPS disagrees with you. I don't care if your dentist is a one legged midget with an orange beard that you like poking around your bicuspids that you find delightful. It has zero bearing on this topic.[/quote

I wasn't responding to you, so actually its completely valid


That’s Craptacular
Your analogy is invalid. We're not talking about your doctor, or what you deem acceptable. UPS disagrees with you. I don't care if your dentist is a one legged midget with an orange beard that you like poking around your bicuspids that you find delightful. It has zero bearing on this topic.
if Dr Midget pokes me somewhere that sexual harassment? lol


Active Member
You wouldn't know i had tattoos if they would let me cover.

Sent from my N860 using BrownCafe mobile app
They should just let him start his training then fail him. He isn't capable of a rational thought. There are a lot of jobs that have appearance standards. Get over it. Kids today really need to learn to except the consequences for the mistakes they make.


Well-Known Member
Tattoo's scare me. Whenever I see someone with a tattoo I wonder to myself how many people or pets they have killed....

Same with facial hair longer than a moose stache.


My center is great, everyone including management encourages me to keep trying and do anything possible to force the issue, unfortunately, the union told me to bring in the uniform and gloves to show the council members i could cover them up, i was gonna stand infront of everyone of the 30 ppl at that meeting, had clothes on hanger and gloves ready to go, once the meeting started, union rep opened with "this is my opening statement, rebutal, and closing argument" and straight blind sided me cause after he said that i couldn't have a rebuttal when the defense aka labor manager was
degrading me. to say the least, i couldn't put the brown long sleeve on and gloves due to how the union switched sides when it came down to it.

Sent using BrownCafe App

"Council"? It sounds like you were at a grievance panel.

If this was at a grievance panel, then your business agent has to abide by the rules and procedures of the panel. That's why he couldn't interject again.

It sounds like the union did what they could but the company wouldn't budge. They went to bat for you and lost, so you decided to scab on them.

Also, as BUG has said, it sounds like you're omitting a lot. This story doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me and everyone else in my center that he traded me in for something bigger, and better that he wanted. Why would he start with this is opening statement, rebuttal, and closing argument when he should have just done it one at a time, like how it is suppose to be done when you argue your case. This will be my last post, thanks for all the people who gave me advice, i really appreciate it. I've started the process so can't say anymore. God Bless


Sounds to me and everyone else in my center that he traded me in for something bigger, and better that he wanted. Why would he start with this is opening statement, rebuttal, and closing argument when he should have just done it one at a time, like how it is suppose to be done when you argue your case. This will be my last post, thanks for all the people who gave me advice, i really appreciate it. I've started the process so can't say anymore. God Bless

Sounds to me that you don't even understand the process and the fact that you're in the smallest local in a RTW state that spent cash they don't really have to docket a case at a regional panel on your behalf. And it also sounds to me that because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, you've decided to take your ball, go home, and start life as a low life :censored2:heel scab.

Your situation is absolutely not fair and I don't think tattoos that can be covered should keep someone from driving a package car. That being said, you had to know that getting visible ink could/would affect your professional options and you made a big boy decision to go through with it. However, when things didn't go your way, you decided to piss and moan and scab on your local.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me that you don't even understand the process and the fact that you're in the smallest local in a RTW state that spent cash they don't really have to docket a case at a regional panel on your behalf. And it also sounds to me that because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, you've decided to take your ball, go home, and start life as a low life :censored2:heel scab.

Your situation is absolutely not fair and I don't think tattoos that can be covered should keep someone from driving a package car. That being said, you had to know that getting visible ink could/would affect your professional options and you made a big boy decision to go through with it. However, when things didn't go your way, you decided to piss and moan and scab on your local.

Cool opinion, i wish i knew as much as you do..