Tattoo Discrimination


Well-Known Member
It would be very difficult to keep all tattoos out of sight will performing all the duties of the job. UPS does not make stirrup shirts.


That’s Craptacular
I believe it does, and provides insight into your decision making. Getting them before working here is one thing, but getting them afterward when you knew the policy, is different.
I agree, which is why I asked. Seeing he won't answer the question, the answer is mostly likely yes, he got them while working here.


Alright here it goes , you have one choice as of right now get your own lawyer and sue there is nothing or anything anybody on this site can help you it's all up to you now if you want it bad enough

But be warned if you sue them they will find a way to never let you drive , there is plenty of ways to keep someone from driving if they want to

Johnny Paycheck

Speak softly and carry a big stick.
What ya'll believe is wrong then, ive always known the policy, and have covered them many of times
In other words, "I knew there was a policy against visible tattoos, I went and got very difficult to conceal tattoos in a highly visible area, and now I'm confused why that's a problem."


Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of people wanting what THEY want. Brown has never made it a secret what the policy is. Hell, it's posted in most of the locker rooms I've been in from Chicago to Texas to New York. Why do some people think that just because they want to grow a ZZ Top beard or get a Mohawk, or in this case tat up their hands that THEY should be allowed. If THEY get inconvenienced by the company, well they are being wronged. BS! I'm surprised these dumbasses haven't said... "I don't look good in Brown. I wanna wear what I'm comfortable in." There is NO difference! This is the standard. YOU don't have to work here!

As for them being socially acceptable? :censored2: that!!! No way do I want my Doctor to walk in with a tat on his neck that said Murder. Nor do I want to see him/her with a nose ring. And I doubt you would either.

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Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of people wanting what THEY want. Brown has never made it a secret what the policy is. Hell, it's posted in most of the locker rooms I've been in from Chicago to Texas to New York. Why do some people think that just because they want to grow a ZZ Top beard or get a Mohawk, or in this case tat up their hands that THEY should be allowed. If THEY get inconvenienced by the company, well they are being wronged. BS! I'm surprised these dumbasses haven't said... "I don't look good in Brown. I wanna wear what I'm comfortable in." There is NO difference! This is the standard. YOU don't have to work here!

As for them being socially acceptable? :censored2: that!!! No way do I want my Doctor to walk in with a tat on his neck that said Murder. Nor do I want to see him/her with a nose ring. And I doubt you would either.

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But why can you have them showing everywhere in some centers but not others?


Well-Known Member
Where in the labor agreement does it say that the company can deny an employee the right to drive based solely upon a fear of something he might do?

How can the company justify allowing some drivers to cover their tats while denying that right to others?

If he agrees to cover the tats and the company catches him on route with them uncovered then fine, throw the book at him, but until then he shouldn't be treated differently than any other driver with tats.
This I could agree with.
Sadly though, as another poster mentioned, it wouldn't take more than a shift to "throw the book at him" because, I can guarantee that he will need to take the gloves off to do any one of a number of things while he is on the clock.


Well-Known Member
But if she came in with tats all over arms and wild hair style I bet you would have reservations

if she has a degree to do what she does, she can look however she wants, who am I to judge? that's like saying no im not going to have you in my life cause your black,white, Mexican etc..