

Well-Known Member
I don't know, I've seen some body art at the local strip club that are absolute works of art that are very important to me.


Well-Known Member
I suppose it boils down to whether or not the appearance of the individual would make a negative impact on your ability to sell to the public. If someone wants to use his body as a canvas of self expression, fine, but UPS also has an image to project which will have a bearing on their ability to be successful. I don't think anyone should be forced to hire someone who will have a negative impact on their business, there has to be some balance, some responsibility taken on both sides. I might feel like filling my face with studs and holding grenades in my earlobes, but I ought to consider that my expression might isolate me from normal folks, and limit my job opportunities.


From the promised LAND
Lets carry the discussion a bit further. Since some people feel that the receipt of a tattoo would fall under the Americans with disabilities act, what about piercings? Why should UPS tell me no, I can not have piercings, but I can have a tattoo? I can have my ears pierced, but I would have to wear rings in both ears, not just one? And no other piercings are allowed to be visible?

I mean, its just them. They cant help it. Its kinda like having a wart on the end of your nose and lip. Why should UPS be able to say no to me driving?

I figure those of you that want to keep pushing will, until such a time that UPS has been pushed to far and the pendulum swings the other way. Some people cant seem to regulate themselves, and depend on others to regulate them, and when that happens sulk and complain on how unfair life is. And how pissed they are:lol:



Staff member
We can even make it a gender issue! Why are women drivers allowed to have long hair, and I am not?
Seems to me I am being discriminated against because of my sex!

Brown Bleeder

To answer your question, yes, it is acceptable to cover your tattoos with sweatbands. If they are easily covered, that's the advice I'd give. I'm a driver sup. We have a relatively senior driver group, and its not warm here yet, so I haven't seen this issue come up. (just started this job a few months ago) However, technically tattoos should not be visible. That's part of our culture, like being clean shaven, shoes shined, etc. Personally, I'm proud of our culture, but I know not everyone thinks like me. You will see some drivers "get away with" tattoos, piercings or whatever. It just disappoints me that the first words out of so many UPSers mouths is "they can't get you for this," and "this is what you can get away with." Scary way to think...


From the promised LAND
Ah a rookie!

Well welcome to the board. Not always maybe what you want to hear, but a cross section of UPS none the less.


just me

Ive been told once ,out of the 14 years, to cover my tat...Another guy i know took his to be reviewed and finally won after acouple months. One kid has his arms and legs covered in them and he wears long pants and shirts everyday, even in the 97 degree weather.
Supposively, if you had the tats prior to getting hired then they cant say anything..But then whose to know when you got a tat?
Most sups pick and chose who they want to bother..ANd they know which people will lay down for them..


Active Member
Hello COMMUNITY! First time poster here. I am in a district where tattoos are enforced. It depends on the district and the past precedent that was set. Tattoos in our district are in violation of the uniform dress code - because it has been enforced consisitently across the board for a long time and the precedent had been set. Had the enforcement not been consitent and longstanding UPS would have lost (it went to the panel and the union agreed that there was a long standing precendent set forth and consistently enforced).

One slip of enforcement and tattoos are in


The next thing will be a bad hair style,......"Sorry bigdog, your hair looks like ^%$#, go home and redo it until we like it". What a load of crap.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I'm not an attorney but it would seem to me, and other reasonable individuals, that suddenly banning tattoos is wrong.

Can you say arbitrary and capricious?

It amazes me that the company can take an existing condition that they knew existed (tattoos) but then suddenly decide that it violates a policy that just popped up.

I think there is/was a push by the company to hire military veterans, many of whom have tattoos. The thought is that veterans are more disciplined as well as the tax incentives offered for hiring vets.

If the success of the company hinges on a package driver having/not having tattoos then we are all in trouble.

The next thing you know, the company will decide that a certain color of skin is unacceptable. Modern science can change the color of one's skin so be prepared for the next, and newest, "policy".


Staff member
"If the success of the company hinges on a package driver having/not having tattoos then we are all in trouble."

God, ain't that the truth! We're truck drivers, for Petes sake!


Well-Known Member
I think that sometime in the future there will be a big market for the removal of tatoo's that people got while they were younger and now feel are inappropriate. One prime example is the tatoo that I saw while on vacation in Florida a few years back, the young lady who was our waitress in a small restaurant was wearing a shirt that revealed the tatoo on the small of her back which read "ENTER HERE" with an arrow pointing down. I believe that this tatoo may cause this girl problems in 50 years or so in the nursing home.. Does anyone else have any other interesting tales of tats.


From the promised LAND

Unless you are really different, like from another planet, skin color is what you were born with. Micheal being an exception. So you did not choose your skin color.

You chose to have the tattoo. No one forced you into the chair or table. And if the company chooses to not allow visible tattoos, then they are within their right. You do not fall under any federal law for protection.

Funny, we had a driver a while back that decided that he wanted to have really long hair. Down to the middle of his back. It was really bushy and thick.

Companies stand was have it. Just while on company time, you have to keep it hidden. So for two years he kept it hidden under a UPS hat. According to Kenny, he put up with it that long just to prove a point. Then he cut it all off, said it was too damn hot.

Thinking here that there are those drivers that really want to prove points. So dont be too surprised if the company decides they want to prove some too. When you push UPS, dont be too surprised and whine if they push back.



You never know whats under that brown shirt.
on break at the mall.JPG


Well-Known Member
The other week on The Sopranos Pauly Walnuts found out his mother was actually his aunt and his real mother was the woman he thought was his aunt.

The next week show there was a scene with the mob playing cards. Pauly was wearing a short sleeve shirt and on his arm he had blacked out the word MOM on his "I LOVE MOM" tattoo.


From the promised LAND
Not why, just something I noticed while delivering to two tattoo shops.

The vast majority of those looking to get a tattoo also smoke. (not any type, just that they do)

The majority also do not go in to get a tattoo by themselves, but rather it is a group function. That would equate getting a tattoo to getting the first alcoholic drink, the first joint, etc etc. Not something people would do on their own without peer pressure, trying to impress or fit in. This is especially true for younger and female shoppers. I have yet to see any shopping but what they are trying to impress someone else.

That does not mean there are those that dont, its just they seem to be in the minority.
