Tea Party Anniversary


Squeaky Wheel


Staff member
You MUST start somewhere and if all you do is pooh-pooh every possibility of saving $$$, then nothing gets done and the money continues to flow out uncontrolled.
Apparently you think sending check to inmates and dead people is OK....

From Ed Okeefe's The Federal Eye....
O'Keefe writes, “the Office of Personnel Management has made more than $601 million in payments to dead federal retirees, according to the agency's inspector general. Total annual payouts range between $100 million and $150 million.”. . .

yes. Start somewhere, but make it substantial. End the Bush/Obama tax cuts and we will have a very, very good start on the problem.


Staff member
I don't think most people understand the scope of the problem. Waste, fraud and abuse doesn't begin to touch the problem. Show me a candidate who is FOR waste fraud and abuse. It is a campaign mantra that ignores the problem.


Well-Known Member
It depends on which programs you are talking about. I think the word entitlement has been misapplied to many of the programs, like food stamps, welfare, and many others. The people that are receiving them feel entitled to receive them, whether they are or not. People that receive SS/medicare/medicaid are ,IMO, entitled to those because they have paid into the system whether they wanted to or not. I know there are a few exceptions, such as teachers and firefighters(who have their own retirement systems) but for the most part most of Americans.

By doing what More said, eliminating the massive fraud etc. for the first group, those programs may in effect trim themselves down somewhat. We don't know if that will work, we've never tried it.

Yeah what about the biggest entitlement program: our military indutrial complex. Every branch, every defense related corporation wants to be exempt from real cuts. Talk about waste an abuse. Before we cut any programs for the poor or middle class or the elderly, lets stop feeding the beast!!


Well-Known Member
No. That thread ended in post #4.

Now that was a good knee slapper!

Here's another, A Tea Party Christmas

And when did Jesus get a rockstar type british accent?

BTW: The original Boston Tea Party was in reality an original Occupy action. The point of occupation was the property of the joint stock company ie a corporation in one East India Company who had a monopolistic business interest in alliance with the King of England or what we'd call Corp. Welfare and regulatory capture. The protesters dressed as native americans briefly occupied the park.....I mean the ships and then tore up the grass....I mean dumped the tea. The cops moved in.....I mean the british soldiers moved in to hunt them down and arrested them but in the mean time closed down the park...opps I mean close down the port so no one would have access to a public commons.

Funny how history repeats itself!
Yeah what about the biggest entitlement program: our military indutrial complex. Every branch, every defense related corporation wants to be exempt from real cuts. Talk about waste an abuse. Before we cut any programs for the poor or middle class or the elderly, lets stop feeding the beast!!
Just because I didn't mention the waste and abuse in military spending didn't mean I was excluding them. Maintaining a military sufficiently to protect our country is important, so IMO that in/of it's self is a true entitlement of the second group. Though part of that equation is the abuse from the outside companies that overcharge for goods and services provided. Few battles are won by attacking the largest army in the enemies control. To succeed you have to neutralize the smaller armies first or you become surrounded.