Well-Known Member
As for Iran, to be fearful of them is a joke so you must believe we have ulterior motives for all our drum beating as of late.
We lived, and still do, under the threat of total annihilation, if Russia so chose to do it. And yet we fear a little pissant country in the Middle East? Please, give me a break.
Our only concern is oil, oh and let's not forget the unofficial 51st state, Israel, that we have sworn to protect. Even though they are sitting on who knows how many nukes and are quite capable of protecting themselves.
All I ask: can I please choose what my tax dollars are spent on? Then the armchair generals can blow up the world but at least I can have a clear conscience that I didn't help pay for it.
Absolutely I believe we have ulterior motives as one need look no further than Kermit Roosevelt and Operation Ajax and it's been that way ever sense. And speaking of our 51st State, Stephen Walt had some interesting comments about them in relation to revelations in the UK and Tony Blair's testimony on the Iraq War. As for Iran, it's the same ole monkey business so nothing should be a surprise IMO. Even as we speak, political decent is starting to be quashed under the guise of the risk to security of the State. Not risk to the people, but the risk to the State and there's a big difference. But even now, jewish scholars and jews of learning and letters are taking a fresh look at history and the history of zionism and making startling discoveries. To say that this bestseller in Israel is causing shockwaves is an understatement but before we point accusatory fingers at Israelis, let us consider the effects of christian zealotry and blowback. It goes a bit without saying that much of the embedded problems in the Middle East stem from the Crusader era and manifest today as a type of blowback but if the allegations about Zionist history are true, would it not behoove christian Europeans to examine their past overzealous natures in formenting a reaction of self protection among jews that helped to foster zionist ideas? Whose the greater sin? The one that pulls the trigger or the one who hands them the loaded gun and browbeats them until they pull the trigger? Zionist zealotry a blowback reaction to Christian Zealotry? Maybe had we embraced our friends and neighbors as friends and neighors home would have been where they lived and not the need for some far away place for them to flee too. Seems to me we might have a lot of fence mending ourselves to do before we point too many fingers.
Someone rightly pointed out that our alliance with Israel was a cold war necessity and I won't debate the necessity part but the alliance was a cold war fact. Now I believe some within the poltical and policy circles of Washington really aren't behind Israel at all and they know it, otherwise why would true friends spy and commit espionage on one another. The US policy setters have Israel in place as the first breech to act as the sacrificed lamb if need be in a major Arab revolt. The Israelis will be the Middle East Hamburger Hill while the Uncle Sam Generals and chickenhawk planners amass a counter attack with what is left of both Arab and Jew and then take the lands themselves as the spoils of war. Not much has really changed from the Crusades, has it?
Good people across the planet are beginning to question what we've been doing and how we got here and many don't like what they see. The moral and ethical contradictions alone are maddening to say the least. As bad as things look I still say "Glass Half Full!"